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Search Results for “역삼마사지Ρ macho2.cΘм 역삼마사지 역삼룸 역삼마사지Ρ 역삼업소 역삼후불출장” – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 역삼마사지Ρ macho2.cΘм 역삼마사지 역삼룸 역삼마사지Ρ 역삼업소 역삼후불출장

CARE International in Iraq Endline Evaluation Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA Czech) Project

This project addresses critical needs for sanitation services in West Mosul, in coordination with local authorities currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and requiring support, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to return home. The project will directly repair two vital sanitation resources/infrastructure in West Mosul. The project will support the municipal authorities to build their capacity to eventually recover their costs, once the situation allows. Finally, the project will mobilize local communities towards greater ownership of/appreciation for their local environment, to avoid the recurrence of such sanitation risks and maintain a cleaner, more habitable environment. Additional to mitigating myriad health risks related to poor sanitation in urban areas among highly vulnerable returnees seeking to recover, this engagement will serve to promote social cohesion and community participation among vulnerable populations affected by conflict.
CARE set a 4months as duration for WASH Project in Al-Thawra neighborhood in order to help and serve about 1166 family (about 7000 individuals) including host community and IDPs. Project is mainly about renovation of sewage system for pipes need to be repair and fix. Rehabilitate the drills caused by the battles of the last conflict and there is no governor attention to fix this issue. (15 pgs)

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia: Year 3 Report

In July 2015, CARE Czech Republic together with CARE International in the Caucasus, started implementation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia” in three municipalities of Georgia: Samtredia, Senaki and Abasha. The project was funded by the Czech Development Agency
implemented activities, main achievements and findings. [33 pages]

Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia Final Evaluation Report

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the project “Increasing Quality and Work Opportunities for Women with Disabilities in Georgia”, 3-year project funded by the Czech Development Agency, managed and implemented jointly by CARE Czech Republic and CARE International in the Caucasus in three target municipalities of Georgia (Samtredia, Abasha, Senaki). The evaluation was carried out by CARE Caucasus MEALS team in December 2017 involving a document review, an inception meeting with project staff and a field visits to the target locations of the project to talk to project participants, representatives of local civic organizations, and other key informants such as local stakeholders. The project started in July 2015 and completed in December 2017 having had the three independent project cycles/years. [28 pages]

CARE Endline Evaluation Report: Restoration of water infrastructure and prevention against COVID19

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE Iraq implemented a six–month project, starting from May 1 to October 31, 2021, and aimed to provide an uninterrupted supply of potable water to vulnerable communities for drinking, personal hygiene, and other domestic use through rehabilitation of non-functional parts of the water treatment plant and restoration of water the networks in two neighborhoods (Nabi Sheet and Galawat) of West Mosul. It further aimed to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to COVID-19 by providing hygiene kits and increased risk and safety awareness, improving hygiene behavior, and environmental sanitation services. The project is implemented in West Mosul, Galawat, and Nabi Sheet neighborhoods, targeting IDPs, host communities, and returnees. Read More...

Restoring Water Supply System and improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in West Mosul, Iraq – Phase III Endline

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE implemented a six-months project aimed at restoring water supply system and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in West Mosul, Iraq. The project is implemented in West Mosul in Al-Zanjili, Al-Ghazlani, Rajam Hadeed and Al-Jadeed neighbourhoods targeting IDPs, host communities and returnees with 47,500 direct beneficiaries. Through the approval of a modification in October 2020 the scope of work was expanded on both the environmental sanitation and water rehabilitation components of the project, increasing the project target population by an additional 25,000 beneficiaries, making the total number of the beneficiaries 72,500.
The endline evaluation seeks to analyze the endline values for key water, hygiene and sanitation project indicators planned in the proposal and to assess the impact and effectiveness the project, relevance and sustainability. The study used a mixed methodology, including a quantitative survey on 560 respondents in Al-Ghazlani (271) and Al-Zanjili neighbourhoods (289), and qualitative interviews with key informants from the neighbourhoods and the stakeholders from the government [27 pages]. Read More...

Restoring Water Supply System and improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in West Mosul, Iraq – Phase III Baseline

With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Czech Republic (MoFA Czech), CARE will implement a six - months project aimed at restoring water supply system and improved sanitation and hygiene practices in West Mosul, Iraq. The project will be implemented in West Mosul Zenjele and Ghazlani neighborhoods targeting IDPs, host communities and returnees with 47,500 direct beneficiaries.
The baseline assessment targeted areas identified as high priority by Directorate of water that are in need of rehabilitation and replacement of non-functional parts of water infrastructure. Local authorities are currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and require support from donors and humanitarian agencies, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to have durable solutions through sustainable restoration of services such as water and sanitation. The project will directly support repair of two vital water infrastructure at Ghazlani water treatment plant and Yarmouk booster pumping station in the area of West Mosul while supporting the Municipal Authorities by building their capacity to eventually recover their costs.

The purpose of the Baseline Survey was to obtain a better understanding of the current situation in relation to water supply, sanitation and hygiene amongst the population in the target areas, and establish baseline benchmarks on key project indicators, which will enable the level of success of the project to be measured at the project end. The results of the baseline survey will later be used to evaluate the extent to which the project has met the desired impact post project implementation compared against project endline results.
The baseline assessment assesses:
• Access to safe water and sanitation situation pre-implementation.
• Challenge of solid waste management systems and existence practices.
• Hygiene education sessions on household level
• knowledge, perception, attitude and practice in relation to hygiene, water and sanitation.
[24 pages]

Latin America & the Caribbean Rapid Gender Analysis April 2020

Asylum seekers and migrants traveling through Central America and Mexico to the U.S. border face a range of risks, but women, girls, and other vulnerable groups—such as members of the LGBTQIA community—are confronted with additional threats to their health, safety, and well-being in their countries of origin, countries of transit, and in the U.S. As a result, asylum seekers and migrants who arrive at the U.S.–Mexico border often carry a heavy burden of trauma from experiences with violence. The lack of a system to appropriately support people on the move deepens pre-existing inequalities and exposes already vulnerable groups to additional, unnecessary, risks.

The U.S. Government’s Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), also known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, returns asylum seekers and migrants from U.S. custody to Mexican territory, compelling them to face months of risk and uncertainty as they wait to complete their asylum processes. The asylum process itself is challenging and unclear, liable to change without warning, and largely opaque to affected populations. The asylum seekers and migrants waiting in Mexico’s Ciudad Juárez city, along the Mexico–U.S. border, face ever-present threats of extortion, gender-based violence (GBV), and kidnappings, which compound their trauma and restrict their freedom of movement and access to critical resources and services. Trauma and fear were the norm of the population that CARE surveyed, not the exception.

Lack of access to complete and reliable information made it difficult for asylum seekers and migrants— including pregnant women and GBV survivors—to make knowledgeable decisions about navigating the asylum process or finding basic services, including health care. Moreover, CARE did not find any mechanisms that allowed asylum seekers and migrants to report concerns or complaints of exploitation and abuse operating at the time of research.

At no point has there been a deliberate effort—by government authorities, policy makers, or those providing the scant services that exist—to systematically assess vulnerabilities and mitigate the risk of harm to at-risk groups. On the contrary, the lack of risk mitigation efforts has allowed several actors to emplace policies that put migrants and asylum seekers at increased risk of harm. For example, asylum seekers and migrants returned from U.S. detention to Mexico are often easily identified by visible markers of their detention, including a lack of shoelaces and the bags that they are issued to carry personal items. This visibility renders asylum seekers and migrants more vulnerable to detention or forced recruitment by armed groups, as well as kidnappings, which at times have taken place on the street directly outside the release area in plain sight of authorities. Read More...


El impacto del Covid-19 en las condiciones de vida de las y los venezolanos no está siendo atendido por el gobierno, por ello organismos humanitarios y el ACNUR han hecho un llamado a atender las necesidades más urgentes de esta población. Save the Children, World Vision (WV), CARE y Acción contra el Hambre (ACF) ya están sobre el terreno prestando asistencia a los migrantes peruanos y venezolanos en materia de protección, alojamiento, abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento y transferencia de efectivo, y están coordinando actualmente con las autoridades gubernamentales para garantizar la coordinación y la complementariedad de las medidas.
Las condiciones de vida de las y los migrantes venezolanos han empeorado en el actual contexto de pandemia. Las evaluaciones realizadas por los organismos asociados muestran que la mayoría de las familias venezolanas no han tenido ingresos desde que comenzó la inmovilización social obligatoria y muchas han perdido sus trabajos. Las evaluaciones confirman que el acceso a los alimentos es la principal prioridad de las familias venezolanas, y para acceder a ellos adoptan estrategias negativas como comer alimentos más baratos o menos preferidos, pedir alimentos prestados y en algunos casos, mendigar dinero para obtener alimentos.
En ese contexto se planteó el proyecto “RESPONDER A LAS NECESIDADES INMEDIATAS DE LOS MIGRANTES/REFUGIADOS DE VENEZUELA EN EL CONTEXTO DE COVID-19”, el cual fue financiado por Start Fund
La intervención permitió a los organismos asociados atender las necesidades más inmediatas e insatisfechas de los migrantes venezolanos en Lima- zona con el mayor número de casos y el mayor número de migrantes venezolanos en situación de vulnerabilidad- a través de la entrega única de “Entrega de efectivo multipropósito incondicional” o “distribución de una canasta de alimentos con raciones para 15 días” y de información sobre prevención frente al COVID-19, protección y sensibilización psicosocial. Read More...

Synthese Analyse Rapide Genre – Est du Cameroun

La crise en RCA et l’afflux de refugies n’a pas changé les rôles et relations ci-dessus. Les seuls changements positif relevé est l’existence de plus de main d’œuvre pour le travail de la terre. Par contre tous les groupes consultes ont noté plusieurs impacts négatifs qui alimentent des tensions perceptibles entre les refugies et leurs communautés hôtes parmi lesquels:

- Accès aux soins de santé : les refugies sont soignés gratuitement dans les centres de sante existants, et les autochtones doivent payer leurs soins, longues files d’attentes au centre de sante car les refugies ont la priorité
- Accès à l’EHA: les refugies disposent de plusieurs forages alors que leurs forages sont soit non fonctionnels soit inexistant ou ne suffisent pas. Ils sont « obligés de payer l’eau dans le forage des anciens refugiés et/ou d’utiliser l’eau des rivières polluées par les défécations des réfugiés ».
- Accès aux produits de base sur les marchés : avec l’arrivée des refugies, les prix des denrées ont augmenté significativement, exemple la tasse de couscous de manioc est passée de 500 à 2000Fcfa),
- Pression sur les ressources en eau et le pâturage par les refugies et leurs animaux. Destruction des champs de cultures par les troupeaux
- Multiplication de cas de vols : sentiment d’insécurité au sein de la population autochtone qui attribue la recrudescence des vols à la présence des refugiés Read More...

Étude sur les filières porteuses des communes de Beaumont, Jérémie et Roseaux

Diagnostic & Development Group S.A. (DDG) a été recruté par CARE Haïti pour réaliser une étude sur les filières porteuses dans les communes de Jérémie, Beaumont et Roseaux, dans le cadre du projet d’Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire, au Renforcement Agricole et à l’Amélioration Nutritionnelle dans la Grand’Anse (ASARANGA), implanté par CARE, Action Aid Haiti (AAH) et Konbit Peyizan Grandans (KPGA).
Une approche mixte, c’est-à-dire combinant des techniques de collecte de données quantitatives et qualitatives, a été adoptée pour réaliser l’étude. En plus de données secondaires, essentiellement obtenues dans des rapports d’études pertinentes, des données primaires ont été collectées, au cours des mois de juillet et août 2019, via une enquête de ménages, un inventaire d’associations et de coopératives, une enquête de marché, des groupes de discussion avec des planteurs et des entrevues individuelles avec des représentants d’institutions financières dans les trois communes d’intérêt.
Nous avons étudié huit filières pour les sections communales cibles des communes de Jérémie, de Roseaux et de Beaumont. Il s’agit des produits vivriers igname, manioc, banane et le haricot ; le maïs, l’arachide et deux filières d’exportation traditionnelles : le café et le cacao. Le processus de sélection a tenu compte du nombre de planteurs qui pratiquent ces cultures, de l’importance de la filière dans la sécurité alimentaire et l’environnement et enfin de leurs potentiels de revenu. Read More...

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