Multi-sectoral life-saving project Sexual reproductive maternal health, WASH and protection services for the crisis affected population in Iraq Baseline

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With funding support from the German Federal Foreign Office(GFFO), CARE implements a 21 months multisectoral live-saving project: sexual reproductive maternal health, WASH and protection services to crisis affected population in Iraq: Anbar governorate (Districts of Fallujah and Khalidiya), Ninewa governorate (West Mosul) and Duhok governorate (Mamrashan IDP camp) with 21,386 direct beneficiaries aiming at:1) Quality essential SRMH services will be provided in areas of origin (Fallujah, Khalidiya and West Mosul) through strengthened health facilities, enhanced awareness and mobilization of communities and reinforced referral mechanisms. 2) WASH needs of crisis affected IDPs in Mamrashan camp will be met through care and maintenance of WASH facilities, water quality tests, hygiene promotion, solid waste management and establishment of gender balanced WASH committees. 3) Protection response services including, psycho-social support (PSS), dignity kit support will be provided to vulnerable women, girls, men and boys in Fallujah, Khalidiya, West Mosul and Mamrashan IDP camp. [35 pages].