PCTFI Malawi: FY15 to FY17 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Publication Date: 2018/02/22

The redesigned PCTFI Malawi project takes a holistic approach to adolescent girls’ empowerment with interventions in education and SRH underpinned by cross-cutting activities in gender, participatory governance and capacity building and buoyed by a proactive learning agenda to influence policy at all levels through advocacy. Its goal is to empower adolescent girls in rural Kasungu to claim and exercise their rights to good quality education and sexual and reproductive information and services.
The project strategy leverages six years of PCTFI implementation in Malawi, best practices, lessons learned and proven approaches and tools for the CARE world; and opportunities for collaboration at all levels to map out the pathways to achieving the impact goal. The proposed interventions are organized under 3 thematic areas related to the adolescent girl’s agency and relations and to the structures that influence her empowerment.

Evaluation Type