
Breaking the Cycle: Food Insecurity, Protection and Armed Conflict in Colombia

Conflict. Hunger. Protection risks. In Colombia, these three phenomena have been interconnected in a reinforcing cycle for decades. Efforts to address each component of this negative cycle are vital, but approaches are often disconnected, leading to short-term or incomplete solutions. As a result, communities struggle against growing odds to build resilience or stability.

Using participatory methods, a research team led by CARE, the World Food Programme (WFP), and InterAction interviewed 16 focus groups in 2 departments of Colombia to learn directly from diverse perspectives what threats, vulnerabilities, capacities, and risksi affected people faced. Though the negative cycle effect was widespread, differences between and within communities meant that often people experienced armed conflict, hunger, and protection risks in vastly different ways, indicating that one-size-fits-all solutions won’t be enough to bring lasting positive change.

Despite the differences in personal and communal experience of risk, two categories of variables emerged that defined how individuals were affected by conflict, hunger, and protection risks: context-specific conflict dynamics and institutionalized discrimination. Read More...

Access Protection Empowerment Accountability and Leadership (APEAL) II project Endline Evaluation

The APEAL II project was a follow on project to APEAL I. The purpose of APEAL 2020 was to Enhance multi-sectoral responses by providing targeted life- saving protection, mental health, Psychosocial support and inclusive services to Congolese refugees and vulnerable host communities in Kyangwali and Kyaka II settlements. APEAL II deferred from APEAL I by; increasing the Consortium members from six (6) to nine (9) after incorporating three (3) organizations, programme scope included changes from GBV to SGBV, disability and Inclusion Services and strengthening the capacity of community structures. The community structures were strengthened to identify, respond, support and refer persons in need of MHPSS, comprehensive rehabilitation, disability and inclusion, protection and SGBV services. The Project operated in a COVID 19 environment which was not present in APEAL 1. As such, the project embedded a specific focus on COVID 19 response.
The European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) funded the Project with Euro3,462,889.15 spanning from May 01, 2020 to April 30, 2021.
The project targeted 40,000 beneficiaries split between Kyaka II and Kyangwali refugee settlements and distributed support to 20% of surrounding Host communities and 80% of Refugees. The APEAL II intended to achieve: Enhanced access to timely protection, SGBV, MHPSS and disability and inclusion services, Improved protection mainstreaming and strengthen the capacity of community structures, duty bearers and stakeholders, provide extra capacity in nutrition screening for young children, pregnant and lactating mothers and supportive advocacy for standards setting, and harmonized approaches to refugee protection and MHPSS at the national level.
The APEAL II project end line evaluation was conducted to assess change and impact by comparing data from before and after for APEAL Project implementation. The end line evaluation was constructed on a cross-sectional assessment of intervention focus area, the individual refugees and host community members. Qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were applied with the former utilized to obtain information on project relevance, effectiveness and outcomes from Project key stakeholders including beneficiaries through key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Read More...

Turkey Case Studies On Syrian Refugees

A collection of case studies about shelter, livelihoods, and protection with Syrian refugees as they tell their stories of getting through their crisis. Read More...

Gender and Protection Mainstreaming Capacity Assessment Northwest Syria

Eleven partners participated in the assessment (8 CARE Turkey partners; 3 ECHO partners). The assessment considered capacity at both an organizational level (policies, processes, support structures) and staff level (knowledge, skills, norms).

The assessment found varying levels of capacity among partner organizations to mainstream gender and protection. Key factors enabling high capacity included leadership support, resources (higher budgets, more staff), dedicated GBV/protection programming, and full-time staff positions focused on gender and/or protection. Key challenges to effective mainstreaming included low leadership support, lack of dedicated gender and protection programing, expectations on some staff to support gender and protection mainstreaming in addition to their current workloads, a lack of understanding of the importance of gender and protection mainstreaming, and traditional beliefs and attitudes towards gender and protection. Read More...


El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del “Estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto Alma Llanera” desarrollado por el equipo de consultores, entre los meses de enero y febrero del año 2020, de acuerdo a los términos de referencia de CARE. El levantamiento de la línea de base tiene como propósito brindar el estado de situación de los indicadores del Marco Lógico (ML), así como servir de instrumento para la medición posterior de los resultados y el impacto del proyecto.

La Línea de Base se elaboró en función a los tres ejes establecidos en el proyecto (acceso a la protección, servicios de salud mental y medios de vida). Entre los principales resultados encontrados luego del análisis de la información recogida, resaltan los siguientes:

a) Respecto del acceso a la protección, se evidencia la preocupación que perciben las personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas respecto de las condiciones de seguridad en el entorno donde viven y laboran.
b) Con relación al acceso a los servicios de salud mental, se ha encontrado que en el proceso de migración hacia Perú y el consecuente cambio y choque de expectativas, se generaron situaciones de estrés y depresión que se manifestaron de forma más severa durante la primera fase de adaptación a la comunidad de acogida.
c) El análisis sobre los medios de vida nos muestra, que las mujeres con empleo (formal o informal) y con emprendimientos (autoempleos), representan el 67.5% de la población total de mujeres encuestadas. Read More...


CARE International in Turkey began responding to the needs of Syrian refugees in Southern Turkey in October 2014. As of 27 November 2019, Turkey hosts 3,691,333 Syrian registered refugees, accounting for around 5% of total resident population in Turkey and over 365,000 refugees of other origins. Of that total, around 45.8% are females, with 21.4% of those female refugees are below the age of 18. A total of 62,216 individuals are hosted in 7 camps.

The impact of the now nine-year old conflict on Turkey’s economy, livelihoods, public infrastructure and services have been so profound that it is starting to affect inter-community cohesion. Off-camp refugees face several challenges linked to their ability to meet basic needs and are especially vulnerable to protection risks, forced to resort to negative coping mechanisms such as early marriage, child labour and reduction of meals since their original displacement.

CARE's experience in South East Turkey illustrated numerous gaps in access to services (education, health, legal), financial security, protection risks (child labour, sexual and GBV) and access to sufficient current information for the refugee population. Building on this CARE’s prior experience, we embarked on the Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey to provide additional context and aims to understand the changes in the community as a result of CARE’s protection programming.

The overall purpose of the KAP/base-line assessment is to provide valid reliable information focusing on Syrian refugees’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and behaviors related to some crucial topics such as; child/early/forced marriage; gender-based violence; child protection; information and access to services and sexual and reproductive health. Read More...

Rapport d’evaluation Finale du Projet de Soins de Sante Primaire et Protection/VBG

Le projet soins de santé primaires et protection VBG est un projet qui vise à fournir des soins de santé primaires d'urgence et une réponse à la violence sexiste aux communautés déplacées et hôtes avec un meilleur accès aux soins de santé primaires, dans les zones de santé de BUTEMBO et LUBERO, il comprend un volet accès à la réponse à la violence basée sur le genre, ainsi qu'à des messages sur la prévention des IST et des grossesses non désirées, la prévention de la violence sexiste, l'information et la prévention en matière de Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive, maladies d'origine hydrique, y compris la prévention du choléra.

Tous les indicateurs tel que défini dans le projet ont fait l’objet d’une analyse triangulée qui a permis de mettre en exergue l’état actuel (final) de chaque indicateur dans la zone de mise en oeuvre du projet comparativement à l’état initial des indicateurs lors de l’évaluation de base.

Ainsi dans le premier out come, soutient au système de santé, il a été constaté que toutes les structures ciblées par le projet ont été appuyées lors de la mise en oeuvre du projet, il s’est remarque une augmentation des consultations curatives à hauteur de 121667 grâce à l’appui accordé par le projet OFDA dans les différentes structures sous appuie, une réhabilitation de 6 structures et deux BCZS dans les deux zones de santé a été possible grâce à l’appui du projet, mais aussi une augmentation significative dans le rapportage des données épidémiologiques qui est passé de 83% lors de la Baseline à 93.1% après la mise en oeuvre du projet. Cette performance a été possible grâce à l’appui apporté par le projet à travers le renforcement des prestataires des soins de santé et des volontaires communautaires sur la surveillance et le rapportage des maladies communautaires.

Dans le deuxième out come, Santé de la reproduction, il a été constaté que toutes les structures ont connu une baisse de fréquentation de CPN, CPON et CPS suite à la situation de la MVE qui se vie dans les deux zones de santé, certaines structures ont été contraints à une fermeture temporaire suite au vandalismes des infrastructures sanitaires par la population de ces aires de santé ( environnement sanitaire dégradé, biens des FOSA saccagé , certaines structures brulés) résultats de la méfiance qu’à la population pour la riposte à la MVE, cela a fait que certaines femmes ne fréquentes plus le CPN et CPON et se fassent à coucher à la maison de la manière traditionnel au risque de mettre leur vie en péril.

Dans le troisième out come, maladies communicables, les structures ont rapporté une augmentation des cas des diarrhées, paludismes, IRA, cette augmentation est due au fait qu’à travers les sensibilisations faites à travers les activités du projet, et le renforcement des capacités des volontaires communautaires sur la surveillance communautaire (identification et rapportage des maladies communautaires courantes) plusieurs cas ont été rapporté et prise en charge dans les 22 structures appuyées dans les 2 zones de santé.

Dans le quatrième out come, (santé communautaire ; les résultats issus de cette enquête montrent que là plus part des RECOs identifiées ont été formé et sensibilisé sur la surveillance communautaire à travers plusieurs formations sur la prise en charge des maladies communautaires courantes, et à travers plusieurs dialogues communautaires Read More...

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