Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative Cohort 2 Final Report

Publication Date: 2018/02/22

The project has observed that there is an increase in number of learners who are completing their primary education especially in the schools where PCFTI was being implemented. Three years ago because of various barriers only 50% of the learners would complete their primary education. However, this is no longer the case now. Though the average district completion rate for Kasungu is still low, the same has greatly improved in the schools where the project was being implemented. For instance, anecdotal evidence has shown that, completion rate among girls in primary education in the targeted schools has greatly improved. This has been achieved because of the effects of the combination of interventions such as strengthening of school and community based structures, facilitating development of School Improvement Plans (SIP) and the involvement of the Participatory Education Theatre (PET) groups which PCTFI has implemented for the past three years.

Evaluation Type