Baseline Assessment on Maternal New Born and Child Health in District Two of Kabul City

Publication Date: 20160110

The KAP survey aimed to identify knowledge gaps, attitude patterns, and practices that may facilitate understanding and action or create barriers to Maternal, New-born and Child Health (MNCH). A Cross-sectional descriptive study design was utilized to provide information on key knowledge, attitude and practice variables related to maternal, newborn and child health with 375 household in 2nd district.

Among others, the following are the key findings of the survey:

1. High total fertility rate,
2. Low uptake of family planning/ birth spacing methods, especially long term methods,
3. High drop outs in routine vaccinations
4. High level of pregnancy complications
5. High level of miscarriage, abortion and children death after birth.
6. High delivery related risks and
7. Low level of delivery preparedness
8. Low ANC services uptake.
9. Considerable knowledge gaps and misconceptions regarding some aspects of MNCH

Evaluation Type