Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS): Midterm Review

Publication Date: 20181115

The 96-page mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the DSRIS project, implemented by the NGOs CARE, Save the Children, ACTED, SSWC and IMPACT, has been carried out by a four-person evaluation team (ET) of the Nairobi-based company, Intermedia Development Consultants (iDC). It has conducted a documentary study, carried out key informants interviews (KIIs) and held focus group discussions (FGDs) in four of the five of the project’s target districts, Bosaso and Galkayo North in Puntland, Adado and Galkayo South in Galmadug. Also, it has conducted a household survey in these and the fifth target district of Dhusamareb.

The ET has followed the conventional ‘big five’ evaluation themes in its data collection and reporting methods:

Relevance: An assessment of the significance of the needs the project is designed to address;
Efficiency: An appreciation of the quality of programme management, in terms of coordination between implementing partners, work planning, competencies of staff, funding – towards determining value for money;
Effectiveness: An assessment of the extent to which envisaged outputs (facilities and services put in place) are being achieved and the appropriateness of the strategies being implemented;
Impact: An appraisal of the actual or likely outcomes of the programme – changes in attitudes and practices;
Sustainability: An assessment of the likely continuation of project activities, outputs and outcomes.

Evaluation Type