Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household

Publication Date: 2018/08/30

Emergency Wash NFI & Shelter and Livelihood assistance for Disaster and Conflict Affected Household 2016-CA354 have implemented in seven targeted (Balkh, Ghazni, Paktya, Parwan, Kapisa, Khost and Kabul) provinces from the 16 March, 2016 to 30 April, 2018. The project have provide emergency assistance in mentioned provinces; but Cash and hygiene awareness interventions were implemented in Kabul and Balkh provinces according to the proposal. The project Post- Assessment report is revealed the impact of implemented five type interventions including CfW, UCG, Emergency shelter “Tent”, Hygiene awareness and Winterization during the second phase of project. The post assessment is done to analyze, measure and understand impact of assistance o livelihood status and health and hygiene conditions of IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable residents who affected by insurgency and natural disaster. The post- assessment aims to study appropriateness, effectiveness and coverage of provided assistances and explore respondents’ needs and requirement which are not considered yet. Findings of this assessment will be used to improve on the future planning of similar project to meet the needs of the most vulnerable population.

Evaluation Type