HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme III (HAPP III) in Sierra Leone

Publication Date: 20171215

The HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP) III implemented in Sierra Leone, supports the financing of social marketing activities for condoms and the Impact Mitigation Funds (IMF) aimed at mitigating the social impact of HIV/AIDS. The project focuses on the prevention of GBV including FGC; prevention of HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancies as well as the empowerment of girls and women.1 The overall goal of HAPP III is to contribute to improved sexual and reproductive health of Sierra Leone. The programme was implemented from June 2013 to July 2017 and granted a no-cost extension to March 2018. This was to make up for 18 months of programme implementation time lost during the outbreak of the Ebola Viral Disease from the 24th May 2014 through 17th March 2016.

The overall purpose of the HAPP III end phase evaluation is to measure improvements in SRHR outcomes (specifically decrease of risk contact of HIV, increased use of condoms by the 15-24 year old generation, reduced stigmatization against people living with HIV and ratio of mother’s age 25-49 years who do not intend their daughters to be subjected to FGC). [70 pages]

Evaluation Type