Lifesaving Shelter, Protection and Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees in Omugo Zone, Rhino Settlement, Arua District, West Nile Region in Uganda

Publication Date: 20190401

CARE International in Uganda conducted a baseline study to establish the pre-intervention situation primarily on Shelter, Protection and Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and host community in Omugo Zone, Rhino Camp. This baseline findings will inform project implementation approaches/strategies and decisions and provide benchmarks for assessing results and impacts of the project at the end. A quick baseline assessment carried out by CARE and partners in February 2019 identified that Omugo is still one of the areas with needs and requires immediate support. CARE is already operational in Omugo thus allowing for the necessary rapid scale-up and complementary coverage that NMFA2 funding will provide under CARE’s integrated humanitarian response program. On May 16, 2019, the UNHCR officially confirmed partners, including CARE to consider scaling up provision of semi-permanent shelters for Persons with Special Needs (PSNs) and introduction of livelihoods to address negative coping strategies by refugee girls, women and host community youth.
The objective of the Baseline survey for the NMFA2 project The objective was to generate baseline data and assess the status quo regarding access to shelter, reported or perceived protection from GBV, sexual exploitation and abuse and coverage of Livelihood interventions. Data was collected from 371 refugees and the report focuses at three thematic areas, to be implemented under the NMFA project – Lifesaving shelter, protection form GBV, sexual exploitation and abuse and Livelihood component targeting the general project beneficiary population.

Evaluation Type