Nepal Earthquake: Emergency Shelter and NFIs to Affected Households funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade End-Line Assessment

Publication Date: 2018/02/28

CARE Nepal had implemented relief distribution post the earthquake of 25th April 2015, in four districts of Nepal that were severely affected by the earthquake. Under one of such recovery program DFATD's "Nepal Earthquake: Emergency Shelter and NFIs to Affected Households" began immediately after the earthquake. The earthquakes damaged people’s households, existing drinking water supply systems in communities, sanitation facilities, thus hampering people’s sanitation standards and exposing them to heavy rainfall. CARE Nepal’s DFATD funded project sought to meet the immediate needs of earthquake affected people through the distribution of emergency shelter materials, household NFIs, materials for the construction of household latrines, and hygiene kits. Adding further the DFATD also distributed winter items to help the affected people to face the winter season. As commissioned by CARE Nepal, International Institute of Independent Researchers (3iR) Pvt. Ltd has conducted the End-line survey focused on the DFATD response project in Sindupalchowk District.

The major objective of the study was to analyze the outcome and output of the recovery project focused on the project logframe which particularly emphasis on the distribution of winterization items/voucher, household kit, water distribution system, toilet construction, hygiene kit, hygiene promotion and GBV promotion information.

Evaluation Type