Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program (NUWEP)

Publication Date: 2018/03/01

On July 2010 the Engaging Men Initiative started implementation in 10 CARE country offices. These COs used different mechanisms to implement the initiative. In some COs the initiative was integrated into ongoing Norad-supported Women Empowerment Programs (WEPs). Others implemented the initiative across the entire WEP portfolio of the CO, while in few COs men’s engagement supplemented smaller women empowerment projects. While the experience of working with men long existed in CARE, there has not been a deliberate attempt to target and mobilize men as allies to pursue CARE’s women’s empowerment agenda. There neither is the understanding/proper documentation of which strategies work best in this regards, or what the potential consequences of engaging men would be. The purpose with this reporting therefore is mainly to support the learning that is taking place within COs in the implementation of the Engaging Men Initiative through creating opportunity for critical reflection as well as the documentation of the key results. Please note that most of the questions below refer specifically to the Engaging Men Initiative and not to the larger WEP portfolio. [18 page]

Evaluation Type