Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Emergency Cash Transfer Programme

Publication Date: 2018/03/01

The programme objective was to mitigate the effects drought induced of El Nino induced food insecurity in 3 wards namely ward 8, 11 and 12 of Gokwe North district.. The aim was to improve Household (HH) food security through unconditional mobile cash transfers and increase access to nutrition intervention to prevent, identify and treat severe and moderate acute malnutrition among children (0-59 months) from February- April 2017. . Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households in the district were registered to receive monthly cash transfers to assist them in meeting expenses for basic household needs from February up to April 2017 The cash transfer value was USD7/person/month and USD10 for a single person HH and this amount met 66% of the HH Kilocal needs of the 2,100 kcal/person/day on a basic diet of maize, pulses & vegetable oil. [38 pages]

Evaluation Type