Learning Brief

Diagnóstico sobre corresponsabilidades de género en participantes del proyecto IGNITE y propuesta de intervención

CARE Perú en el marco de su mandato institucional de promover la igualdad de oportunidades de las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en el Perú, a fin de contribuir en la erradicación de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la discriminación en el país, en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, en alianza con Mastercard, viene implementando el Proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder emprendedor de las empresarias” con el objetivo de contribuir a la creación de empleo, mejorar el bienestar de las familias a través de un mejor acceso a productos financieros personalizados para mujeres emprendedoras, y promover un mayor uso de las soluciones financieras digitales, con el propósito de acortar las barreras financieras y no financieras para el emprendimiento de las mujeres.

A partir de los resultados de la Línea de Base del Proyecto IGNITE se advirtió que el 61.9% de las personas encuestadas identificó un conjunto de dificultades que enfrentan las empresarias mujeres para sacar adelante su negocio, siendo una de ellas, la elevada carga de responsabilidad en el hogar que les impide tener más tiempo para dedicarse a los negocios. Read More...

Exploración cualitativa del uso del crédito “Emprendiendo mujer” en las participantes del proyecto IGNITE

El estudio de exploración cualitativa se ha centrado en el desarrollo de entrevistas individuales, sesiones grupales e historias de vida, todo bajo modalidad virtual, ya sea por llamada telefónica o la plataforma Zoom. Ello ha permitido conocer desde la experiencia de las propias clientas de la Financiera confianza, el uso dado a los créditos y cómo ello ha repercutido en el desarrollo personal y como empresarias.

El proceso de indagación ha facilitado el acceso a información de primera fuente y proporciona datos importantes para Financiera Confianza y para CARE Perú en lo referente al proyecto IGNITE y las acciones que pueden desarrollar para ofrecer un servicio integral y complementario al producto del crédito que la financiera ofrece a las clientas. Read More...

Estudio Revisión participativa del ciclo de servicio del crédito “Emprendiendo Mujer” – Proyecto IGNITE

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC). Read More...

The Ignite Initiative : Unleashing the Power of Women Strivers

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC).

An Operational Learning Brief on Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Programming in Ocaña, Colombia

With the deterioration of the economic and political situation in Venezuela, a humanitarian crisis has spilled into 16 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, including Colombia. Colombia hosts 2.4 million Venezuelans as at
2021. Internal displacement and confinement escalated in 2019, due to a variety of armed non-state actors competing for income from narcotrafficking, human trafficking, and illegal mining.2 Despite being increasingly overshadowed by the Venezuelan migration crisis, the preexisting internal conflict in Colombia has ensured that the country has the second-largest number of internally displaced persons in the world (after Afghanistan), with an estimated 9.2 million people experiencing protracted displacement. Read More...

Ghana: Bringing the inputs one step closer to the farmers

Worldwide, the Ukraine conflict is leading to unparallel price hikes in food, fuel, and fertilizer. Like most countries in the world, Ghana is being impacted by these shocks. In simple words, Ghana is already on the path to growing less food this year. Farmers are not producing enough food crops, which affects their households’ livelihoods, and impacts women and children. To understand more about the current impact of the global food crisis on smallholder farmers and their coping mechanisms in the local context, CARE engaged with farmers in Ghana. Read More...

Nigeria: VSLA Women and the Global Food Crisis

CARE Nigeria implemented discussions with Village Savings and Loans Associations (VLSA) engaged in the Food and Agriculture Organization, and CARE, where they implemented the Livelihood and Resilience Building Project in Mairi of Jere Local Government (LGA). The participant’s cohort was integrated by 10 women. The main goal of the discussions was to understand the impact of the current food crisis and how it is affecting food security, inflation, and raising the costs of living for small-scale farmers. Also, the project team attempted to understand how the current food crisis is aggravated by climate and by the 12-year protracted armed conflict in northeast Nigeria. Read More...

Localization in Practice: Realities from Women’s Rights and Women-Led Organizations in Poland

During the invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, violence against women and girls, especially intimate partner violence and sexual violence, increased rapidly. Since February 2022, the situation has deteriorated to alarming new levels. Exacerbated and pervasive violence against Ukrainian women and girls is a consequence of war, with women and girls continuing to be abused, exploited, and raped in Ukraine and while they flee to other countries. An increasing number of survivors are coming forward, buttressed by additional reports from women’s rights activists, service providers, humanitarian organizations, and UN agencies. As conflict in Ukraine pushes millions of women to seek refuge abroad, those leaving remain highly vulnerable to risks like trafficking, or may face sexual exploitation and abuse when seeking access to accommodation, transportation, or financial resources.

Women’s organizations in Poland, particularly those providing services to survivors of violence and working on women’s rights, are reporting more and more requests for assistance from sexual violence survivors inside Ukraine. Polish civil society has demonstrated their commitment and fitness to respond to the growing humanitarian needs, but the international community must step up with financial and technical support to ensure that a sustainable, localized approach can continue. Read More...


Women have a human right to participate in public life and decision-making, including in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural disasters, conflict, and other crises. Yet, women directly affected by crises are still excluded from most humanitarian responses and from public decision-making more broadly. Women’s participation in community responses and recovery saves lives and increases gender equality. Conversely, when women’s voices are not heard, women’s rights and needs are often not adequately met, and emergency response can reinforce inequalities that perpetuate vulnerability, insecurity, and poverty. Women Lead in Emergencies is a CARE global program that supports local women’s groups to take a lead in responding to the crises that affect them and their communities. It is the first practical toolkit for frontline CARE staff and partners with guidance on how to promote the participation and leadership of women in communities at the forefront of crisis within humanitarian programming. Read More...


Contribuir al fortalecimiento de un entorno protector para la población migrante venezolana que se encuentre en situación de vulnerabilidad

PROTECCIÓN: Las personas refugiadas y migrantes y solicitantes de asilo más vulnerables, especialmente, las mujeres y adolescentes que están expuestos a violaciones de derechos, incluida la trata de personas y la violencia basada en género, tienen un mayor acceso a servicios especializados de respuesta y prevención de protección

SALUD Y SALUD MENTAL: Las personas refugiadas, migrantes y solicitantes de asilo más vulnerables que están expuestas a la violencia basada en género y/o trata de personas tienen mayor acceso a la atención psicosocial y la atención de salud mental adaptada Read More...

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