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Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program (NUWEP)

On July 2010 the Engaging Men Initiative started implementation in 10 CARE country offices. These COs used different mechanisms to implement the initiative. In some COs the initiative was integrated into ongoing Norad-supported Women Empowerment Programs (WEPs). Others implemented the initiative across the entire WEP portfolio of the CO, while in few COs men’s engagement supplemented smaller women empowerment projects. While the experience of working with men long existed in CARE, there has not been a deliberate attempt to target and mobilize men as allies to pursue CARE’s women’s empowerment agenda. There neither is the understanding/proper documentation of which strategies work best in this regards, or what the potential consequences of engaging men would be. The purpose with this reporting therefore is mainly to support the learning that is taking place within COs in the implementation of the Engaging Men Initiative through creating opportunity for critical reflection as well as the documentation of the key results. Please note that most of the questions below refer specifically to the Engaging Men Initiative and not to the larger WEP portfolio. [18 page]

Food Sufficiency For Farmers Summative Evaluation

The Canadian support for the Food Sufficiency for Farmers (FSF) project will come to an end on October 31, 2018, and now it is the interest of the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to commission this summative evaluation for the purpose of:
• Identifying best practices and approaches that can be built on to inform improvements to the implementation of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) livelihood components; and
• Informing areas where the FSF project has achieved its results and the level of sustainability of the project results.

Wbg035 -livelihood improvment in opt 2493

The Purpose of LIOPT is to improve food security, and community resilience in a way that supports eq... Read More...

Integrated Health, WASH and FSL Assistance to Conflict-affected, Displaced, and Vulnerable Households in Amran governorate, Yemen

CARE Yemen has completed implementing CDCS-supported “Integrated Health, WASH and FSL Assistance to conflict-affected, displaced and vulnerable households in Amran governorate, Yemen”. The purpose of this program is to improve health, WASH, food security, livelihoods, and wellbeing for IDPs and vulnerable host communities in Amran Governorate in Yemen.

To set benchmark values for the outcome level indicators and to measure the success of the project in achieving its goals and objectives, a baseline and endline surveys was conducted in the project’s operational targeted areas. The endline survey was conducted with samples of targeted beneficiary households living in Raydah district of Amran Governorate in August 2023. The survey mainly used quantitative methodology (i.e., household survey) to collect pertinent data.

Here are the key survey outcomes:
1. Coping Strategy Index: The average CSI score for the surveyed HHs 9.96 (male: 10.03, female: 9.85), which is indicating that participants are relatively experiencing significant resilience and recovering from using negative food coping strategies.
Food Consumption Score: The average FCS for the targeted HHs is 54.65 (male: 54.81, female: 54.41). In addition, 89.93% are in acceptable food consumption.

2. Household Dietary Diversity Score: The average HDDS for the targeted household is 6.7 which indicated that surveyed HHs is somehow adequate dietary diversity. This denotes a good medium quality of diet whereby households consume an average of around 7 food groups out of the recommended twelve food groups.

3. HHS (Household Hunger Scale): The analysis of the endline data shows that only 2.16% of households faced moderate hunger; whereas 0.0% of households faced severe hunger during the survey time.

4. Access to safe water: about 74.3% of interviewees (male: 78.6%, female: 64.3%) mentioned to have access to safe water from protected water sources such as piped water system and protected wells.

5. Time taken to collect water: Majority of respondents 91.4% replied that the water is “Available inside the house” from the primary source which have been rehabilitated by CARE.

6. Practice of water treatment: 84.3% of respondents (male: 89.8%, female: 71.4%) mentioned treating water before drinking mainly using respectively the techniques of boiling, treated from pipeline, filters, Aqua-tabs, and Chlorine.

7. Availability of household latrines: The majority 98.6% of respondents (male: 98.0%, female: 100.0%) mentioned that they do have household latrines.

8. Practice of handwashing: approximately 87.9% of respondents (male: 86.7%, female: 90.5%) wash their hands at least three out of five critical times of hand washing.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and Food Security in the Arab region with a focus on the Sudan and Iraq

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and food security in the Arab region. It is a joint collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and CARE International (CARE). This collaboration recognizes the need to expand the evidence base on gender-differentiated impacts of crises for informed recovery and response planning, while highlighting the imperative of collecting sex- and age-disaggregated data (SADD) more consistently.
This initiative was an innovative pilot project between FAO, WFP and CARE. The aim of the collaboration was to foster multilevel partnerships and strengthen gender analysis for the food security sector in crisis contexts. The initiative brought together technical experts in food security, nutrition and livelihoods across the agencies involved, as well as gender specialists to explore, develop and test tools, methods and approaches. The regional focus of the study identified key themes, challenges and norms across multiple contexts in the Arab region, while highlighting specific findings for Iraq and the Sudan. While sources have varying regional definitions for the Arab region, for the purpose of this review, the denomination includes the countries under the FAO Near East and North Africa region, the WFP Middle East and North Africa region, and the CARi Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The findings and successes of this initiative are intended to strengthen the relationship between gender and food security actors
regionally, and in particular within Iraq and the Sudan, while increasing the availability and transparency of gender analysis in the sphere of food security. Read More...

Ardhi Yetu (Our Land) Programme Initiative Baseline Survey

This report presents the findings of a baseline survey commissioned by CARE Tanzania in support of its new Ardhi Yetu Programme Initiative, which was conducted between 10th March and 9th April 2014. The purpose of the baseline survey was to enable CARE Tanzania have a better understanding of the status of the three strategic partners of the Programme - Journalists Environmental Association of Tanzania (JET), Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) and the Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HAKIARDHI) - and establish initial values of indicators against which progress of implementation of Programme activities shall be measured.

Ardhi Yetu Programme, which commenced in January 2014 seeks to support the strengthening of capacity of Tanzanian CSOs to promote land rights of smallholder farmers and pastoralists as a means of ensuring food security. It is supported by CARE Denmark as part of its multi-country civil society strengthening programme implemented in seven countries and funded through a framework agreement between CARE Denmark and DANIDA; and shall run for four years with the possibility of an extension to five years. [38 pages] Read More...

Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention, response violence prevention and response

The intended impact of the project is improved living conditions for women and girls in Rohingya refugee camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar.
Outcome Statement: Improved sexual and reproductive health, GBV survivor support and protection from GBV of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox´s Bazar Bangladesh.
Purpose of the Study: This endline study has established endline values for the following project outcome indicators. This assessment has provided a comparison of baseline value and endline value of the indicators. A set of recommendations has been provided through the assessment report on project interventions. Read More...

Programm Approche Communale Pour La Marche Agricole (ACMA) Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours

Le programme « Approche Communale pour le Marché Agricole au Bénin » (ACMA) est mis en œuvre par un consortium composé de l’International Fertilizer Development Center, l’Institut Royal des Tropiques, CARE International, Sahel Capital Partners & Advisory Ltd, et Benin Consulting Group International. Le programme est financé par l’Ambassade des pays Bas et le consortium est dirigé par l’IFDC. Il est prévu pour une durée de 4 ans à partir de Novembre 2013. Il intervient dans trois départements, l’Ouémé, le Plateau et le Zou qui comptent 22 communes.

L’approche communale est un élément central dans la stratégie d’intervention pour le développement des marchés des produits agricoles. Elle prend en compte une dynamique multi-acteurs dans laquelle le dialogue secteur public-secteur privé joue un rôle privilégié. L’objectif principal du programme est « l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et l’accroissement des revenus agricoles des acteurs directs ».

COVID-19 impact on Vietnamese apparel and footwear workers: Workers’ Perspective

In April 2020, the Public Private Partnerships Cooperation Group for sustainable apparel and footwear sector in Vietnam, consisting of over 40 members from the Ministries of Industry and Trade Natural Resources and Environment, Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and VITAS, LEFASO, brands, development partners and domestic and international NGOs, conducted a comprehensive assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the apparel and footwear sector. The aim of the assessment was to seek solutions from policy perspectives, social security, sustainable economic development, environmental protection and the role of stakeholders in the supply chain to mitigate impacts of the pandemic. One of the key components of the assessment is this analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on AFS workers’ lives conducted by CARE and sponsored by TARGET and the National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in
the Netherlands (CNV). This report also references findings from the qualitative research conducted by the Center for Development and Integration (CDI).
Purposes of the assessment of COVID-19 impacts on apparel and footwear sector workers:
1. To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on workers’ lives in the apparel and footwear industry across three major areas: economic, health, and society with a focus on gendered impacts and employment relation.
2. To identify the needs of AFS workers, especially female workers, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. To provide recommendations to businesses, brands, associations, unions, governments and development organizations on supporting workers to recover from the impact of COVID-19.
The information and data included in this report represent the key findings of the COVID-19 impact
assessment study with specific policy implications for enterprises, trade unions and government. Read More...

Tursunzoda District Visit Report

The report of visit to Tursunzoda district. Purpose: to identify the situation of provided wheelbarr... Read More...

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