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Search Results: 부산오피♪ sgbusan.cΘM 부산오피♘부산휴게텔♢부산오피♪ 부산풀싸롱 부산나이트

Baseline Report of the Titukulane Resilience Food Security Activity in Malawi

While Malawi is moving up on the Human Development Index, in 2017 it is still classified as a low human development country (171 of 189). Despite decades of robust government and donor investments in livelihoods, food security, nutrition, and resilience, over 50% of the population lives below the poverty line. Previous activities have not sufficiently reduced the number of chronically food and nutrition-insecure households nor effectively enhanced the capacity of local and government structures to implement resilience focused policies and actions. To address these issues, the Government of Malawi has developed a National Resilience Strategy (NRS) to guide investments in agriculture, reduce impacts and improve recovery from shocks, promote household resilience, strengthen the management of Malawi’s natural resources, and facilitate effective coordination between government institutions, civil society organizations and development partners. CARE and consortium partners have designed the Titukulane Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) which means “let us work together for development” in the local Chichewa language—to support implementation and ensure the effectiveness of the NRS. The Titukulane RFSA, implemented by CARE International in Malawi (CIM), aims to achieve sustainable, equitable, and resilient food and nutrition security for ultra-poor and chronically vulnerable households. Titukulane is implemented in Zomba and Mangochi districts of Malawi’s Southern Region. Read More...

Contributing to sustainable food production in Cuban municipalities – PROSAM.

The emphasis of the project is on strengthening the capacities of the Agricultural Municipal Delegations (DMA), the Soil Institute, and the producers, their productive forms, to promote local food self-sufficiency in the municipalities of Artemisa, Bejucal, Guanabacoa, Güines and Madruga located in the Provinces of Artemisa, Havana, and Mayabeque; as well as the promotion of sustainable environmental technologies and agro-ecologies and the mainstreaming of the gender practices approach that guarantees the full participation of women through equitable access and control of project resources in terms of inputs, equipment, and knowledge. Appropriating the work for gender equality in the daily life of the Soil Institute is essential for the coherence of its leadership with the different actors involved in the project. Read More...

RESET II Project Promoting Resilient Livelihoods in Borana Final Report

Purpose: The purpose of this end line evaluation is to assess the achievements, constraints and lessons learnt and to produce sufficient evidence to show how the project performed against its overall objective. Overview of the project: Funded by the European Union (EU) through its European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) with a total budget of Є6,586,291, the Promoting Resilient Livelihoods in Borana RESET II Project was implemented by a consortium of CARE Ethiopia, Oromo Self Help Organization (OSHO) and Action against Hunger (AAH). The project focused in the geographic area of Arero, Miyo, Dire, Moyale, Dillo and Dhas districts in the Borena Zone within the Oromia region. The overall aim of enhancing the resilience of 100,000 PSNP beneficiaries, reducing irregular migration through improved access and coverage to provision of WASH, health and nutrition services, diversifying and increasing livelihood opportunities and incomes, improving Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) capacity, enhancing research and knowledge management systems as well as reducing barriers to women empowerment, the project begun implementation October 2016 and end in December 2020. CARE’s Pastoralist Resilience Casual Model (PRCM) using proven CARE’S Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA), Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA), Social Analysis and Action (SAA), Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) and AAH’s as well as Assisting Behavior change (ABC) methods and approaches were utilized throughout the project. Read More...

CARE Malawi COVID Vaccine Delivery Situation January 2022

“The vaccines are here but support for delivery is most needed, especially at the last mile.” – District Health Management Team member, Ntcheu
As of January 10, 2022, Malawi had delivered 1.84 million doses of vaccine out of the 3.12 million doses it has received so far.1 Many doses in country have rapidly approaching expiration dates, and if they do not get to people fast, they risk expiring on the shelves. To make sure the 1.26 million doses left go to the people who need them most, we must invest more in communication, engagement, and delivery. The $37M granted by the World Bank over the past year is sufficient for covering only 8% of Malawi’s total population. What is more, as the highly contagious Omicron variant spreads worldwide, it is even more critical that more people are vaccinated now. We cannot assume that the Government of Malawi and its current health system can do it alone.

The government and other health actors in Malawi are working tirelessly to vaccinate people, while facing multiple health crises. The health system is building on a base of committed (if overstretched) health workers, an openness to community feedback, and a long expertise of delivering The government is coordinating closely with many actors to reduce gender gaps, get vaccines to the last mile, and keep existing health services open. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Health is under-resourced, and operating in a global system where the vaccine supply that arrives may be close to expiring. For example, doses of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine had to be destroyed in the spring, after arriving in Malawi with only two and a half weeks left before their expiration date.

More investment is needed. To take just one example, the national government has been able to provide one van per district to support mobile vaccination sites, to get vaccines to the last mile. Mobile vaccinations are the most effective way to serve people who live far away from health centers and do not have access to easy forms of transportation. That means that in Ntcheu, one van is expected to serve a target population of 214,929 people living over 3,424 square kilometers. One van cannot serve those people fast enough to make sure vaccines get where they need to in time, especially when an inconsistent and unpredictable vaccine supply could have doses expiring at any time. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Latin America & the Caribbean – Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

Asylum seekers and migrants traveling through Central America and Mexico to the U.S. border face a range of risks, but women, girls, and other vulnerable groups—such as members of the LGBTQIA community—are confronted with additional threats to their health, safety, and well-being in their countries of origin, countries of transit, and in the U.S. As a result, asylum seekers and migrants who arrive at the U.S.–Mexico border often carry a heavy burden of trauma from experiences with violence. The lack of a system to appropriately support people on the move deepens pre-existing inequalities and exposes already vulnerable groups to additional, unnecessary, risks.
The U.S. Government’s Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), also known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, returns asylum seekers and migrants from U.S. custody to Mexican territory, compelling them to face months of risk and uncertainty as they wait to complete their asylum processes. The asylum process itself is challenging and unclear, liable to change without warning, and largely opaque to affected populations. The asylum seekers and migrants waiting in Mexico’s Ciudad Juárez city, along the Mexico–U.S. border, face ever-present threats of extortion, gender-based violence (GBV), and kidnappings, which compound their trauma and restrict their freedom of movement and access to critical resources and services. Trauma and fear were the norm of the population that CARE surveyed, not the
The female asylum-seekers and migrants in Ciudad Juárez that CARE spoke with reported feeling profoundly vulnerable and isolated. They consistently relayed a lack of trust in authorities and an increasing level of anti-migrant sentiment in the city. The lack of either confidential GBV screenings or formal complaint mechanisms left survivors with almost no one to turn to for support and services. Asylum seeking and migrant women, girls, and LGBTQIA individuals who feared for their safety reported remaining inside shelters as much as possible, leaving only when absolutely necessary. In Ciudad Juárez, some asylum seekers and migrants have found refuge in overwhelmed and
underfunded informal shelters. These shelters are largely run by local faith-based organizations, and could meet only a fraction of the need. Despite these efforts, the humanitarian response to the migration crisis is characterized by a haphazard and uncoordinated approach that is devoid of reference to the humanitarian standards that would be the norm in other emergencies. The shelters did not have appropriate intake procedures, such as vulnerability screenings. Few had sufficient water and sanitation facilities for the number of residents, and many shelters housed residents together in common spaces regardless of age or gender, amplifying the risk of harm to vulnerable persons. Asylum seekers and migrants in the shelters frequently lacked information about available health and legal services. Read More...


En el año 2000 se aprobó el Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir y sancionar la trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños, que complementa la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional que entró en vigor el 25 de diciembre de 2003. Desde esa fecha el desarrollo normativo de la trata de personas es permanente tanto en el Perú como en el Ecuador, países que comparten una amplia frontera común. Paralelamente se han creado nuevos servicios para la protección y asistencia a las víctimas, así como para la persecución y sanción del delito. En ese contexto, diversos fenómenos han ocurrido con particular intensidad, sobre todo en la zona fronteriza entre Perú y Ecuador. Dos en particular han marcado el desarrollo de la trata de personas en esa zona. La crisis humanitaria producto de la migración masiva de ciudadanos venezolanos y el contexto actual de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, que obligó a ambos países a cerrar sus fronteras, abriéndose más de un circuito clandestino por el cual el flujo migratorio ha continuado discurriendo sin solución de continuidad a pesar del control militar implementado por el Perú desde el 26 de enero del 2021, lo que ha merecido un pronunciamiento conjunto de las Defensorías del Pueblo de Ecuador, Colombia y Perú exhortando a sus autoridades a tener como premisa la dignidad humana de las personas migrantes con necesidad de protección internacional, observar las normas universales y regionales de derechos humanos en este campo, así como evitar actos que promuevan el rechazo por parte de las comunidades de acogida. En ese contexto, las vulnerabilidades propias de las personas migrantes, así como de adolescentes y jóvenes de las regiones contiguas a la zona de frontera, se vieron potenciadas por la crisis económica generada a causa de la pandemia, así como por la pauperización de las condiciones del empleo marcadamente informal. Esas circunstancias que han agravado las necesidades de las personas han sido aprovechadas para la comisión de diversos delitos de explotación de seres humanos. Paralelamente la respuesta pública se ha visto impactada por la crisis sanitaria que ha reducido su capacidad para enfrentar el problema, además de las limitaciones que ya presentaba. En ese escenario, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones de cooperación han jugado un papel importante para paliar las necesidades. Por otra parte, el panorama de la trata de personas en la zona de frontera presenta varios desafíos que están descritos a lo largo del presente estudio y que sugieren un modelo de
gestión más eficiente para poder enfrentarla de manera eficaz, así como para atender el creciente número de personas vulnerables producto de la crisis humanitaria y de la realidad resultante como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria. El cierre de la frontera y su permeabilidad hacen evidente la necesidad de implementar una estrategia migratoria integralen cada país, así como en conjunto. Para la elaboración del presente informe se ha recogido información de fuentes documentales, así como de las instituciones públicas y privadas de ambos lados de la frontera, incluyendo a personas migrantes. Dicha información ha permitido describir las conductas, medios y finalidades del delito de trata; las características de los autores del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, las características de las víctimas; las principales rutas de la trata y tráfico de personas, así como las actividades en las que podría estar presente; los servicios de protección para víctimas; el estado de los mecanismos de sanción del delito de trata y tráfico de personas, así como la relación entre la migración, la trata y tráfico de personas. [46 Pages] Read More...


This study has been elaborated in order to respond to the needs of CARE International Balkans for the design of the project “New economic opportunities for returnees and local marginalised local people in South-East Serbia”. The research is comprised of several approaches with the aim to deliver sufficient information and data on prospects for the successful implementation of the planned action: information on possibilities for socio-economic inclusion of returnees (in Serbia) and prospects of economic improvement for other groups of citizens vulnerable to migration to western countries.
Purpose of this study is to provide a sound basis for developing a project concept and proposal, by identifying project preconditions, opportunities and risks for its implementation. This study provides relevant information on the socio-economic status of returnees and vulnerable local population, their capacity for economic engagement and employment, access to the labour market, as well as economic potential of local business environment.
CARE International Balkans as the lead organization has selected two partners from civil society organizations, ENECA and NEXUS, as project partners which are situated in the regions in which the project would be implemented. The initial project idea has defined geographical coverage which would include 6 administrative districts in Serbia, concentrated in South East Serbia (districts of Pcinj, Jablanica, Nis, Pirot, Bor and Timok). According to the Population Census conducted in 2011 in Serbia, the population of 6 identified districts totals to 1 089 142 inhabitants of which 481 576 are females. These 6 districts make up 15.15% of the overall population of Serbia according to the 2011 Census. Of the 32 local self governments, 21 are classified in the 4th category of development, 5 are in the 3rd category of development, 4 are in the 2nd category and only 2 (Nis and Bor) are in the 1st category of economic development defined by the Regional Development Agency of Serbia. Additionally, a large number of the LSGs in the 4th category are additionally classified into the group of devastated areas/LSGs.


The migration discourse has not remained confined to focusing upon the mobility of people from low income countries to high income countries. There has been growing attention to migration from higher-income countries to lower-income countries. The current literature, however, is increasingly taking note of human movements within any of the two regions – the higher income countries and the lower income countries, also described as the global north and the global south respectively. Based on the level of development of the countries of origin and destination, the United Nations has therefore identified a typology of two inter-regional and two intra-regional streams of contemporary international migration: south-north and north-south, south-south and north-north (United Nations 2013). This typology also subsumes the category of a transit country in its roles of being an origin and a destination country at the same time. [26 Pages] Read More...

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Midterm

In May, 2018, CARE International in cooperation with 7 project partners started implementation of the project: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Financed by CZDA and CARE Czech Republic which will be realized within a three year timeframe (2018, 2019 and 2020).

The project is aimed to contribute to strengthening the weak social welfare and social protection as well as access to rights and social inclusion for the marginalized and most vulnerable. Poor economic performance and high unemployment cause shocks in the country’s social welfare system which largely effects the socio-economic position of citizens, especially most vulnerable and marginalized. The state and non-state service providers are under-capacitated and underfunded and their inability to provide adequate social protection services to the marginalized and most vulnerable populations has created a need and space for CSOs to get involved in the service provision. CSO efforts and involvement, however, have not been adequately recognized, supported and financed by the governmental institutions.

The evaluation of the impact of the initiative is done in line with the ToR that was created for the purpose of this assignment. The objective of the midterm evaluation is measuring the level of achievements of the objectives as well as level of satisfaction of project partners and other beneficiaries of the initiative. The evaluation process is internal and participatory with direct involvement of beneficiaries of the initiative. The midterm evaluation report includes report on implemented activities as well as lessons learned and recommendations.

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