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Search Results: 용인오피Υ bamje.c0m 용인후불출장 용인스파 용인오피Υ♥용인패티쉬✒용인출장안마

ProJeunes Final Evaluation Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin

Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin (PROJEUNES) est un projet de 3 millions de dollars canadiens destiné à lutter contre les mariages précoces et forcés d'enfants au Bénin, dans 20 villages aux départements de l'Alibori et du Borgou. PROJEUNES est un partenariat entre CARE, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights et le gouvernement du Bénin (Ministère de la Santé, Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Microfinance et Ministère des enseignements secondaire, technique et de la formation professionnelle). Le projet est un partenariat de trois ans, d'avril 2018 à mars 2021, financé par le gouvernement du Canada. Ce rapport présente les progrès réalisés pour l’atteinte des résultats ultime, intermédiaires et immédiats du projet. Plusieurs collectes et analyses des données de fin du projet ont été réalisées par l’équipe de projet et un consultant externe entre mars et juin 2021. Les différentes évaluations effectuées sont les suivantes : Revue et analyse documentaires des principales lois, politiques et stratégies béninoises relatives à la SSRD/SSRAJ, aux MPFE et aux VBG; Évaluation de groupements FaFa Wa et de certaines de leurs members; Évaluation de filles à risque/vulnérables et survivantes de MPFE; Enquête auprès des ménages; Analyse qualitative contextuelle et Évaluation de 12 CS et 4 CPS. Read More...

Pair-robs final evaluation apr. 2003 – benin

Le programme d’appui institutionnel au Réseau des ONG béninoises de santé (PAIR/ROBS) démarré en 199... Read More...

Journey for the Advancement of Transparency, Representation, and Accountability (JATRA)

This 39 page report highlights the final evaluation findings from the Journey for Advancement for Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) project, which aimed to strengthen participatory governance processes in the public finance management systems of 15 Union Parishads in Nilphamari and Gaibandha districts of Northwest Bangladesh so that they are more transparent and accountable. This project was funded through the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), established by the World Bank. Read More...

Improving Livelihood Through NTFP Management Final Report

Improving Livelihood through NTFP Management Project (ILNMP) was in operation in Banke, Bardia and K... Read More...

Tatweer Midterm Review

TATWEER is one of four projects funded under the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement, Phase II (AMENCA II) and is implemented in Jenin and Tubas Governorates in the north of the West Bank. TATWEER aims to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience of vulnerable communities through access to locally available quality agricultural services, capacity building of community based organisations (CBOs) and NGO partners ARIJ and ESDC, improved household food security and improved access to markets through agreement with the New Farm Company. Read More...


The impacts of humanitarian crises are not gender neutral. Global evidence shows that when disasters strike, and humanitarian crises unfold, they have differential impacts on women, girls, men, boys and persons of diverse gender identities. Humanitarian response informed by gender analysis means that humanitarian action incorporates recommendations drawn from that robust analysis, which identifies the shifting needs, capacities and priorities of women, girls, men and boys. A recent report1 from the OCHA Gender Unit identified that several Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNOs) and Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) had made progress in utilising and integrating gender analysis into the humanitarian response planning process but that more progress could still be made, specifically by improving sector-specific gender analysis and the application of that analysis to specific sectoral interventions. The same report identified that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) documents had made considerable progress towards gender integration and gender sensitive programming, but that more sectoral and cross cutting work could still be done since, overwhelmingly, the majority of gender analysis continued to focus on traditional areas associated with “women’s issues” such as gender-based violence (GBV), sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and maternal health.
This synthesis report is produced by CARE in partnership with OCHA. It is part of efforts to ensure a more systematic gender analysis is accessible, and utilised, throughout the 2021 HPC process. Drawing on the 2020 oPt HNO and HRP, as well as the Gender Unit’s review of several 2020 HNOs, this document synthesizes recent2 CARE Palestine West Bank/Gaza and OCHA generated gender analysis reports with the aim of helping HPC actors better integrate gender analysis into the planning process. Read More...

A-Card Progress and Prospects

A-card (A stands for Agriculture) is a brand new micro-credit mechanism, the only example in Bangladesh aimed at providing smallholder farmers financing to a digital purchase of farm inputs at a low cost (10%) through the formal financial system linked to a debit card and ICT-enabled platforms.

Addressing the problem of smallholder farmers' lack of access to finance required a consultation among different stakeholders particularly in finding an effective solution. It eventually led to the idea and design of the A-card model. In this regard, the USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project's interventions effectively engaged with different stakeholders, including small-holder farmers, microfinance institutions (MFIs), formal lenders (i.e. banks) and rural agricultural inputs retailers. The aim of this collaboration was to work for a common goal with differentiated responsibilities. [14 pages] Read More...


Financé par la Société Générale et mis en œuvre par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet OMBONA est un projet pilote qui a pour but de « contribuer à l’ancrage des associations villageoises d’épargne et de crédit dans le paysage financier de Madagascar pour un accès des plus vulnérables aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière , et ainsi contribuer à la réduction de la pauvreté dans la zone d’intervention ». Il s’inscrit donc dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale de la Finance Inclusive de Madagascar 2013-2017 et de croissance économique inclusive dans le PND.

La présente évaluation finale a pour but de collecter les informations pertinentes et indispensables et de connaitre la situation finale par rapport aux indicateurs du projet sur l’influence de l’inclusion financière sur la réduction de la pauvreté, et donc sur les conditions de vie des ménages dans les 8 communes du district de Vatomandry, afin de mesurer les changements induits tout au long de la mise en œuvre du projet. L’étude servira également à déterminer les indicateurs d’amélioration des conditions de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau du ménage. Read More...

ECHO Flood Recovery Project Final Evaluation

The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) Flood Recovery Project was implemented over a period of eleven months, and involved flood recovery activities done by CARE in Nsanje District with a view to supporting flood-affected families.

The overall goal of the project was to support recovery efforts of families affected by floods in Nsanje District when they relocated from temporary camps to designated shelters as they began to rebuild their livelihoods and communities. The project was implemented in three Traditional Authority (T/A) areas, namely: Mbenje and Tengani in the West-Bank, and Mlolo in the EastBank.

A Decade of Results in Social Transformation for Urban Female Youth

In Ethiopia, ensuring that both women and girls participate in and provide leadership through the urbanization process
is key and can only be accomplished by removing economic and socio- cultural barriers. Evidence from a series of
independent studies funded by USAID, the World Bank and the UNDP in 2017-2018 clearly show that urbanization and
industrialization processes in Ethiopia must be gender responsive in order to deliver sustainable outcomes.
CARE Ethiopia would challenge this and state that it must be gender transformative. For CARE Ethiopia this means
ensuring that: urban girls and women are empowered to equally access economic and social opportunities and
services; institutions become more responsive to the specific and contextual needs and priorities of urban girls and
women and with a focus to understand the heterogeneity of women and girls and their specific vulnerabilities, and that
socio-cultural norms and practices should promote gender equality. CARE Ethiopia’s Theory of Change for resource poor
urban females (see Figure 2), moves beyond individual self-improvement, towards transforming the power dynamics
and structures that served historically to reinforce gendered inequalities in urban communities. Read More...

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