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Search Results for “애플선물¤dan-gol¸CоM✽애플소액업체 애플구매✓애플판매✎애플최고가매입✴애플깡” – Page 6 – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 애플선물¤dan-gol¸CоM✽애플소액업체 애플구매✓애플판매✎애플최고가매입✴애플깡

Stop TB and AIDS through RTTR (STAR): Program Report

The program goal is to end AIDS in Thailand by 2030 (reducing annual new infections to below 1,000 cases (from the current 8,134 estimated new infections annually)) and to reduce the prevalence of TB from 159 per 100,000 to 120 per 100,000 between 2015 and 2019. From 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017, the program performed outstandingly over the target in three indicators of MSW, FSW and MW reached with HIV prevention program. The percentage of result over target reported at 115.58%, 120.40%, and 119.83% consecutively. Overachieving results of these indicators described as following:

i) For MSW, the program could exceed the reach target because SRs conducting BCC workshop in
bar. At the workshop, SR introduced knowledge and information of HIV prevention including HIV,
VCCT, STIs, TB, PrEP, and PEP. Condom and lubricant were made available for MSWs. SR MPLUS
targeted non-venue based MSW who work around the public park in Chiang Mai. The online
application was also used as a channel to reach non venue-based MSWs. The SRs conducted
face-to-face individual talk for the online-reached MSWs. HIV Testing Center (HTC) operated by
SRs could offer additional service of syphilis testing to MSWs.

ii) For FSW, the outstanding performance of resulting from the high season for tourism in Thailand.
SR SWING engaged with employers and organized outreach session in bar before FSWs started
working. The SR reached out to new FSW area in Surawong.

iii) For MW, SRs reached performance were access the target resulting from combination HIV-TB
service provided to migrants in community and at workplace. SR STM started engaging
employers of FSWs at the border of Songkhla. [20 pages] Read More...

SANI Baseline Household Evaluation Mozambique

CARE is currently implementing the South Africa Nutrition Initiative (SANI) project in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. The goal of SANI is to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and boys and girls under 5 years. This baseline study was conducted to obtain baseline values for the key SANI intervention areas in Funahlouro and Homoine Districts in the province of Inhambane of Mozambique. Eleven (11) key PMF indicators were able to be measured in order to set-up baseline values and establish achievable life of project targets for SANI in Mozambique. (45 pages) Read More...

Foster good health and economic resilience (in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-term effects of COVID-19 (IPIC) in Sudan

This is the final evaluation for the Kassala state-implemented "Foster Good Health and Economic Resilience (in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond): Integrated Programme to Reduce the Medium-Term Effects of COVID-19 (IPIC)". The evaluation's goal is to assess the project's impact on the targeted beneficiaries and to assess the project's level of achievement, as well as to provide project stakeholders with information about the project's performance in relation to its stated objectives, from January 2020 to December 2022.
Relevance: The project was found to be relevant and responding to the real needs of the targeted communities. The selected communities are among the most vulnerable people in the state, with the majority of them living below the poverty line. According to the baseline survey conducted in October 2020, most of the targeted beneficiaries (53%) have incomes ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 SDG’s per month, which is equivalent to 22 to 44 USD.
Efficiency: The project was carried out with good and acceptable efficiency; the project completed 100% of its planned activities with a high level of participation from the targeted communities and important institutions, particularly the state ministry of health.
Effectiveness: The project was determined to be very effective and resulted in many changes among the targeted persons, as well as a substantial contraption for preventing COVID-19 and reducing its harmful influence on the targeted people, as evidenced by the fact that:
During the project's implementation period, a total of 47,268 people received COVID-19 knowledge and capacity building. This includes all people in the targeted areas, with the possibility of duplicate counting because some people received the awareness more than once. These capacity building and awareness programs were carried out through the execution of awareness campaigns, and the trained community outreached played important roles in disseminating information to their community members. The community outreached were carefully selected with gender (50% women) in mind, and they were trained and provided with the necessary COVID-19 prevention items.
The evaluation witnessed high level of impact and effectiveness in health sector, this ensured by the feedback of all consulted people by direct interviews, FGDs and KII interviews, in addition to the observation of the evaluation team. Different sorts of support offered to the three health facilities enhanced access to health care for 3015 HH (21,105 people), this representing all HH in the three villages.


The following evaluation corresponds to the 12-month implementation of the project Protection, WASH, and Shelter Support for Vulnerable Venezuelan Refugees in Ecuador, which was funded by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) and that took place from April 2019 to March 2020. The goal of this process was to analyze the fulfillment of results and strategies used to respond to the urgent needs of the Venezuelan migrant population in the areas of shelter, protection and WASH. The objectives of the evaluation focused on a) determining the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the sustainability of actions and results by component; b) identifying milestones and innovations, as well as the main challenges; and, c) identifying recommendations and opportunities for improvement for future interventions. To this end, primary and secondary information, both qualitative and quantitative was collected and analyzed, and was then structured according to the evaluation criteria and the project components.
This report is 59 pages long.

Thai nguyen women’s economic collaboration for development eccode

The program’s goal was to contribute to poverty reduction for the rural population of Thai Nguyen pr... Read More...

Pilot Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Project

Overall project goal was to reduce under-five morbidity and mortality. Read More...

Provision of life-saving WASH services for Rohingya Refugees in Bagghona/Potibonia (Camp 16), Ukhiya Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District: END LINE SURVEY REPORT

Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee and host population project for Ukhia Upazila, Cox's Bazar district was implemented in Moynarghona (camp 16) by CARE Bangladesh with funding from UNICEF for twelve (12) months (February, 2019 to February, 2020). The goal of the project was to improve the quality of integrated WASH service delivery to support the well-being of children under 5 years, women, girls, men, boys the elderly and persons with disability in emergency situation. The project targeted 21,883 refugees (52% women and 48% men) with water, sanitation and hygiene promotion interventions.

CARE conducted the midterm assessment in February 2020. The survey involved both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and approaches. The samples were drawn systematically, with the sample size determined following most common statistical formula. A total of 300 respondent/households from camp 16 participated and the data collection. The questionnaires were uploaded in tablets with KoBo data collection application for accuracy and timeliness.

The objectives of the study are as follows:
- To understand water access situation for the beneficiary households in the camp 16.
- To know the sanitation status and use by households in the camp 16.
- To identify current Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of targeted respondent on water sanitation and hygiene practices.
- To identify water, sanitation and hygiene challenges for the households in camp 16. Read More...

Southern African Nutrition Initiative (SANI): Baseline Household Evaluation — Malawi

CARE is currently implementing the South Africa Nutrition Initiative (SANI) project in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. The goal of SANI is to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and boys and girls under 5 years. This baseline study was conducted to obtain baseline values for the key SANI intervention areas in Dowa and Ntchisi Districts of Malawi. Eleven (11) key PMF indicators were able to be measured in order to set-up baseline values and establish achievable life of project targets for SANI in Malawi. (78 pages) Read More...

Feed the Future Ethiopia Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) Learning Activity

This report presents the baseline resilience analysis of the USAID Feed the Future (FTF) Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) activity in Ethiopia. The overarching goal of L4R is to increase economic growth and resilience in Ethiopia by enhancing livelihood opportunities for chronically food-insecure households in targeted woredas. The objective of this report is to provide insight into the extent to which L4R activities improve key household resilience outcomes and strengthen the resilience capacities of food-insecure and vulnerable households in the project areas. The impact evaluation (IE) baseline study provides estimates against which to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of L4R activities during implementation and after the activity is completed. Given that the ending of the IE will occur one year after the L4R activities have ended, the final results will also be able to measure the sustainability of the project’s impact.

The L4R impact evaluation seeks to answer eight research questions. This baseline study gathers data that answers some of the research questions now; other questions will be addressed in subsequent recurrent monitoring surveys and the endline report. Read More...

Mega’04 report (may 2004)

The 2004 Meta-Evaluation of Goal Achievement is a desk review of 74 final evaluations of CARE projec... Read More...

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