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FSDU Final Project Report

CARE International in Uganda with funding from FSDU implemented a twenty months digitalized financial service project targeting 12,350 youth in Kibaale/Kagadi district. The project end date was 31/12/2016. The project had an extension of three months, 1stJanuary to 31stMarch 2017 at IPO level and 28th/04/2017 at CARE level respectively. The project goal was that “Rural and peri-urban youth aged (15-30yrs) in Kibaale/Kagadi district have increased access to financial services and engage meaningfully with the financial market
actors for sustainable financial inclusion”. The project had four specific objectives that focused on; strengthening the organizational capacity of youth through Youth Savings and Loans Associations (YSLAs) as the first step towards inclusion in the financial sector; ensuring establishment of structures that enable the youth to access formal financial services; provision of technical support that builds the financial industry’s knowledge base that heightens youth financial inclusion and establishment of a structure that supports the formal financial institutions’ and telecom companies to outgrow the “sub-scale trap” and reach a critical mass of youth customers. [42 pages] Read More...

Assistance for Damrey and Flood affected communities in the Central Region of Vietnam

On 2 November 2017, Typhoon Damrey gained strength and headed to Vietnam with wind speeds of up 90km/hour. The Vietnamese Government sent the alert to the Central provinces to guide the emergency response. 35,000 villagers in high- risk areas were evacuated to safe places before the arrival of the typhoon. On 4 November 2017, the Typhoon made landfall with winds of up to 135km/h, wreaking havoc in the central and south-central areas. The Vietnamese Central Committee of Disaster Prevention and Control announced the risk of the disaster was at level 3. During its 16 hours in Vietnam, the typhoon blew the roofs off thousands of houses, felled trees and electricity poles across the southern coastline and caused the destruction of thousands of homes. The typhoon caused flooding in 15 provinces across central Vietnam.
Following to the typhoon, CARE International in Vietnam (CARE), as a core member of Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG) joined the Rapid Needs Assessment in the two worst affected provinces, including Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam. The assessments revealed widespread damage to housing, infrastructure, WASH and livelihoods.
CARE was successful in mobilizing AUD $400,000 funding from DFAT to provide support for affected populations in four communes of Dai Loc District (Quang Nam Province) and Quang Dien District (in Thua Thien Hue Province). This funding enabled recovery activities to take place from the beginning of January to the end of September 2018, with a particular focus on addressing the different needs of both men and women for livelihood recovery and WASH. [33 pages] Read More...

Hunga Tonga- Hunga Ha’apai Disaster Response Program End of Program Evaluation Evaluation Report

This Evaluation Report presents the end of program evaluation (the evaluation) of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Disaster Response Program (the program), implemented in partnership by CARE Australia, MORDI TT and Talitha Project (the partnership). The evaluation was conducted between July- November 2023 by Iris Low and Leaine Robinson (Collaborate Consulting Pte. Ltd (CoLAB)); Katrina Fatiaki (Tapuaki Mei Langi Consultancy) and Dr. Rev. 'Ungatea Kata and Ofa Pakalani (Tupou Tertiary Institute). The evaluation focused on evaluating the merit and worth of the program implemented by the partners by identifying the achievements of the program, strengths of the partnership modality to build on, and lessons to inform and improve future humanitarian programming.

Based on what stakeholders define as high quality humanitarian response, the evaluation finds that majority of communities, staff, and stakeholders interviewed stated that the assistance provided by CARE, MORDI TT and Talitha Project represents a high-quality humanitarian response as it met affected communities immediate needs (water, agriculture, hygiene kits), reached those in the community who needed assistance the most, was led by local organisations who coordinated and worked with existing national processes and systems in Tonga and who will continue to remain engaged in communities post-disaster to support communities to recover.
Impact: What difference did the program make?
The program has made an impact and positive difference to affected communities in helping to address their immediate needs and quality of living and recovery in the aftermath of the volcano and tsunami disaster. The targeted assistance has contributed to communities improved access to clean drinking water and their knowledge and skills on how to maintain Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure; enhanced food security in communities through more options for healthy eating from the community gardens, helping communities to recover quickly, and increased livelihoods for women who sell the surplus produce; motivated communities to work together so that they are better prepared for future disasters and supported different groups (women, young people, adolescent girls, elderly and persons with disabilities) in the community. The program reached 20,182 people (5,593 women; 4,524 girls; 5,149 men and 4,916 boys) across the affected areas of Tongatapu, ‘Eua and Ha’apai, with material and technical support to restore community rainwater collection systems, a significant impact in the aftermath of the disaster which left communities without access to clean drinking water. Read More...

Youth Empowerment Project End of Project Narrative Report

Premised on the unifying framework for poverty eradication and social justice, the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Zimbabwe (EoS) was developed to address individual, household and community level constraints that impact on the ability of youth to move out of poverty. The project was informed by conclusions drawn from the Youth Sector Analysis commissioned by the Embassy of Sweden in 2012 and emerging issues and recommendations from the Kupfuma Ishungu Microfinance Project (KIMFP) final evaluation results/findings. Initially a three year project starting November 2013 YEP was extended by a further three months to end in January 2017. [63 pages] Read More...

Integrated Community Development Project Endline Evaluation

The main conclusion of this evaluation is that ICDP is making a significant and tangible contribution to improving the well-being of disadvantaged communities living in remote areas of PNG. Communities, Ward Development Committee (WDC) members, LLGs and District authorities are, in general, highly appreciative of the work that ICDP is supporting. It is a highly valued investment, is achieving tangible results, and the work should continue to be supported (taking into account lessons learned so far, including the recommendations contained in this evaluation report). Addressing disadvantage and poverty in remote rural areas requires a long-term and sustained commitment. [131 pages] Read More...

RESI Final Evaluation

The Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI) aimed to support inclusive and sustainable rural economic
development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and
Ranil(l)ug. The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture,
capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and
socio-economically vulnerable groups.

Relevance. RESI was found to be highly relevant to the four chosen municipalities and filled critical gaps that were
impeding rural economic development at farmer, processor and local government levels.

Effectiveness. RESI has delivered its outputs which is a massive achievement in such a short 3 year period. The
project met or exceeded each of its targets as per the output indicators. In terms of outcomes, specific targets were
not set but increased income and job creation has occurred and can be linked to RESI.

Efficiency. RESI was highly efficient. As compared to the previous (IRDS) project the RESI team scaled up all aspects
of the project across 4 municipalities and dispersed twice as many grants in only 3 year (as compared with 5).

Impact. Data gathered by the RESI team shows that 285 new full-time jobs and 490 seasonal jobs have been created
so far. Income of grant recipients has increased by 53% on average.

Sustainability. Overall signs are good, but it is too soon to concretely assess sustainability.


ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability Annual Report 2016/2017

The CARE led consortium has been one of the three consortiums implementing partners for the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF) UNDP and government of Zimbabwe programme for the July 2016 to June 2017 year. The consortium has been implementing the Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability (ECRAS) project in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts of Masvingo province. The most common hazards for the two districts have been observed to be droughts and mid-season dry spells, crop and livestock pests and diseases resulting poor maize harvests, high cattle poverty death in the province and smallholder farmers getting very low prices for their cattle. Low lying wards in the two districts are prone to flooding. The 2016/17 agricultural season has been an exception. It was characterized by excessive rains which resulted in water logging, leaching and flooding. Potential crop yield was also negatively affected by breaks of armored cricket and fall armyworm. Flooding due to the effects of Tropical Cyclone Dineo resulted in loss of both human and livestock, washing away of some crop fields and damage to property such as houses, school and clinic buildings and destruction of bridges and roads. The cash crisis affecting the country has adversely affected some project interventions especially Village Savings and Lending (VSL). Some groups especially in Chiredzi have embraced use of Ecocash, in their savings and lending, in respond to the cash crisis. [62 pages] Read More...


Since the onset of global COVID-19 pandemic in December, Bangladesh has been in a state of high alert. The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Bangladesh was recorded on 8 March 2020. By 26 March, containment measures were implemented, impacting an already vulnerable population. As of 13 September there have been 337,520 total cases, with 4,401 in Cox’s Bazar and 179 across all 34 refugee camps. However, it is highly likely that these low case numbers are more indicative of negligible testing than of the actual
spread of the virus; the true incidence of the disease is unknown. COVID-19 and the accompanying containment measures have had a significant impact on women, girls, men and boys, including female sex workers, transgender persons and people with disabilities,
across all camps, exacerbating existing conditions, such as overcrowding, movement across hilly terrain, uneven access to a limited number of WASH and health facilities and inadequate access to protection and hygiene resources. This has hindered the ability of refugees to take the necessary preventive measures to limit infections. The host community faces similar difficulties, and, moreover, the containment measures had an adverse economic impact on both host and refugee communities.
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) builds on the secondary data analysis done in May 2020 by the Gender Hub, UN Women, CARE and OXFAM. This RGA aims to answer the following research questions:
􀁹 How has COVID-19 impacted women, girls, men and boys and key vulnerable and marginalised groups’ ability to meet their basic needs and entitlements?
􀁹 What achievements made on gender equality and the empowerment of women, girls and LGBTQ+ groups are now at risk of being undone by COVID-19?
􀁹 What new or heightened protection and safety risks are arising from COVID-19?
􀁹 How can women, girls, men and boys, and key vulnerable and marginalised groups articipate and lead in the COVID-19 response?
The research was conducted using primary data collected in Rohingya and host communities in Cox’s Bazar between 15 June and 9 July 2020 to understand the impact COVID-19 has had on age, gender and other social characteristics, and to analyse how the socio-cultural context helps or hinders people’s ability to cope with the crisis. The purpose is to generate evidence to support the design of gender-responsive intervention/strategies for the COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar that can be used for advocacy and fundraising purposes. Read More...

Impact Assessment of Savings Groups

Researchers from IPA, along with CARE staff and their implementing partners, conducted a randomized evaluation of Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) programs in Ghana, Malawi, and Uganda to examine two questions: Who joins savings groups? And, what is the impact on households from programs that promote savings groups? The evaluation used a randomized control trial (RCT) design, in which eligible communities were randomly divided into two sets: a set of villages with access to a VSLA program (the treatment group) and a set of villages where the program was not implemented during the study (the control group). The study started in Ghana in 2008 and in Malawi and Uganda in 2009, and the final data collection took place in 2011 in the three countries. Each site included a panel survey in which households were surveyed before the start of the program implementation and again two or three years later. Over 15,000 households in almost 950 communities were surveyed. The surveys covered a large variety of topics, including health, education, income-generating activities, asset holdings, food consumption, non-food expenditure, intra-household decision making and community involvement. At the time of the endline survey, after an average of two years of program implementation in the three sites, one third of respondents had joined a VSLA group. On average, members had been part of a group for 15 months and 61% of members had gone through a full savings cycle, normally lasting between 8 and 12 months. The evaluation should thus be thought of as assessing the relatively short-term impacts of the intervention. [62 pages] Read More...

LFSP APN Rural Finance Technical Assistance Facility Phase 2

The quarter under review witnessed an exponential growth of MicroPlan’s portfolio under the Rural Finance Project. The total number of clients almost doubled from an annual 2016 cumulative figure of 982 in December 2016 to 1786 clients by March 2017 representing an 81% client growth (804 clients) across the five branches within three months. The total rural finance loan portfolio grew by 55% from annual cumulative total of USD 629, 726 in December 2016 to USD 975,947.75 in March 2017. This growth demonstrates the financial institution’s ability to create business and claim a significant market share in the rural areas and move the rural branches towards sustainability and profitability for long term operation in rural areas. [16 pages] Read More...

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