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Search Results: 일산후불출장♜ 일산립카페♮일산건마✉일산후불출장♜ 일산건마♕일산후불출장

Uganda: Refugees and Host Communities in Yumbe and Terego Districts Rapid Gender Analysis

The conflict in South Sudan expanded to the southern parts of the country in July 2016, which led to an influx of refugees in Northern Uganda. Uganda hosts 1.5 mill. refugees in total, many live in refugee settlements. The four largest settlements in West Nile are Bidi Bidi, Palorinya, Rhino and Imvepi, with numbers of refugees ranging from 60,000 to more than 240,000. According to a report of the World bank and Uganda Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) on gender-based violence (GBV) in Uganda from 2020, more than 80 % of the refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda are women and children. During the conflict, violence against women and girls such as the abduction of girls and the use of rape as a weapon of war was used. Women and girls fleeing to Uganda reported sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) “to have taken place throughout the route of migration within South Sudan itself as well as when crossing the border." Read More...

CARE Malawi COVID Vaccine Delivery Situation January 2022

“The vaccines are here but support for delivery is most needed, especially at the last mile.” – District Health Management Team member, Ntcheu
As of January 10, 2022, Malawi had delivered 1.84 million doses of vaccine out of the 3.12 million doses it has received so far.1 Many doses in country have rapidly approaching expiration dates, and if they do not get to people fast, they risk expiring on the shelves. To make sure the 1.26 million doses left go to the people who need them most, we must invest more in communication, engagement, and delivery. The $37M granted by the World Bank over the past year is sufficient for covering only 8% of Malawi’s total population. What is more, as the highly contagious Omicron variant spreads worldwide, it is even more critical that more people are vaccinated now. We cannot assume that the Government of Malawi and its current health system can do it alone.

The government and other health actors in Malawi are working tirelessly to vaccinate people, while facing multiple health crises. The health system is building on a base of committed (if overstretched) health workers, an openness to community feedback, and a long expertise of delivering The government is coordinating closely with many actors to reduce gender gaps, get vaccines to the last mile, and keep existing health services open. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Health is under-resourced, and operating in a global system where the vaccine supply that arrives may be close to expiring. For example, doses of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine had to be destroyed in the spring, after arriving in Malawi with only two and a half weeks left before their expiration date.

More investment is needed. To take just one example, the national government has been able to provide one van per district to support mobile vaccination sites, to get vaccines to the last mile. Mobile vaccinations are the most effective way to serve people who live far away from health centers and do not have access to easy forms of transportation. That means that in Ntcheu, one van is expected to serve a target population of 214,929 people living over 3,424 square kilometers. One van cannot serve those people fast enough to make sure vaccines get where they need to in time, especially when an inconsistent and unpredictable vaccine supply could have doses expiring at any time. Read More...

Ombona Resume Executif

Resume Executif de l'etude de reference du projet Ombona. Rapport complet disponible ici:

Selon les TDR, à la fin du mandat de cet etude:
• le Projet Ombona serait capable d’apprécier la situation qui prévaut dans les huit communes en ce qui concerne l’accès des ménages, notamment des plus vulnérables et des femmes aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière.
• les indicateurs d’amélioration de condition de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau de ménage  affiner les stratégies de mise en oeuvre et choisir l’approche la plus appropriée. Read More...

Ombona Baseline

Selon les TDR, à la fin du mandat de cet etude:
• le Projet Ombona serait capable d’apprécier la situation qui prévaut dans les huit communes en ce qui concerne l’accès des ménages, notamment des plus vulnérables et des femmes aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière.
• les indicateurs d’amélioration de condition de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau de ménage  affiner les stratégies de mise en oeuvre et choisir l’approche la plus appropriée.

Improving Livelihood Through NTFP Management Final Report

Improving Livelihood through NTFP Management Project (ILNMP) was in operation in Banke, Bardia and K... Read More...

Journey for the Advancement of Transparency, Representation, and Accountability (JATRA)

This 39 page report highlights the final evaluation findings from the Journey for Advancement for Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) project, which aimed to strengthen participatory governance processes in the public finance management systems of 15 Union Parishads in Nilphamari and Gaibandha districts of Northwest Bangladesh so that they are more transparent and accountable. This project was funded through the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), established by the World Bank. Read More...

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