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Search Results for “화성스파ㅑ bamje.c0M 화성휴게텔✂화성룸싸롱♛화성스파ㅑ♢화성키스방♭화성룸싸롱” – Page 7 – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 화성스파ㅑ bamje.c0M 화성휴게텔✂화성룸싸롱♛화성스파ㅑ♢화성키스방♭화성룸싸롱

A-Card Progress and Prospects

A-card (A stands for Agriculture) is a brand new micro-credit mechanism, the only example in Bangladesh aimed at providing smallholder farmers financing to a digital purchase of farm inputs at a low cost (10%) through the formal financial system linked to a debit card and ICT-enabled platforms.

Addressing the problem of smallholder farmers' lack of access to finance required a consultation among different stakeholders particularly in finding an effective solution. It eventually led to the idea and design of the A-card model. In this regard, the USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project's interventions effectively engaged with different stakeholders, including small-holder farmers, microfinance institutions (MFIs), formal lenders (i.e. banks) and rural agricultural inputs retailers. The aim of this collaboration was to work for a common goal with differentiated responsibilities. [14 pages] Read More...

Souqona Project: Midterm Evaluation

Souqona is a five years project that was launched in April 2016, as part of the program “Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets” launched by the Australian Government, which constitutes the third phase of the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) programme in the oPt. Souqona aims at increasing income, agency, and market opportunity for Palestinian Farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development. The project is seeking to better connect women and men Palestinian vegetables, dairy and seed farmers to markets. It is implemented in 23 locations in three governorates located in the Northern Areas of West Bank (Nablus, Jenin, and Tubas).

Advance Consulting Services was commissioned to undertake a midterm review of the project to determine the relevance, efficiency, achievement of results, and sustainability of the first phase of the project that will end in March 20191. Read More...

Improving Livelihood Through NTFP Management Final Report

Improving Livelihood through NTFP Management Project (ILNMP) was in operation in Banke, Bardia and K... Read More...


The Souqona project was launched in April 2016, with funds from the Australian Government as part of the program “Palestinian Farmers Connecting to Markets,” which constitutes the third phase of the Australian Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement (AMENCA) program in the occupied Palestinian territory. This project is implemented by a consortium of three organizations: Care International West Bank & Gaza as the leading party, The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ), and the International Centre for Agriculture and Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA).

Souqona’s main goal is to increase income, agency, and market opportunity for female and male Palestinian farmers through growth in pro-poor agribusiness and market development.

In order to lay down the benchmarks for project objectives, Care International commissioned Al-Sahel Company for Institutional Development and Communication (Al-Sahel) to conduct a baseline study. Read More...

Case Study on Project Model of “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution” 2015-2017

“Peace” remains a very controversial term in the Palestinian society. Talking about peace while tensions are again on the rise and divisions are growing seems like a hopeless task for many. In Palestinian context; peace building does not only refer to Israel and Palestine, but also refers to internal conflicts and the political division between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These internal challenges are a main theme in this project and a high priority among the communities. Both cross-border negotiations as well as talks between national actors share the great absence of female voices and women representatives. A main need for inclusive peace building that can have a real impact is the greater involvement of women in circles of conflict resolution.

This document serves as a summary of the project’s implementation model, main activities and results highlighting the key choices for success. Data for this document came from team’s mid-term reports and the final evaluation, for which an external consultant collected data through focus groups, questionnaires and research. The Final Evaluation of this project is available for reference upon request. This model also connects to CARE Women Empowerments strategy (formulated in the document Gender Transformative Insights), which can also be requested from the project team for reference. Read More...

ECHO Flood Recovery Project Final Evaluation

The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) Flood Recovery Project was implemented over a period of eleven months, and involved flood recovery activities done by CARE in Nsanje District with a view to supporting flood-affected families.

The overall goal of the project was to support recovery efforts of families affected by floods in Nsanje District when they relocated from temporary camps to designated shelters as they began to rebuild their livelihoods and communities. The project was implemented in three Traditional Authority (T/A) areas, namely: Mbenje and Tengani in the West-Bank, and Mlolo in the EastBank.


CARE International, presented by CARE WBG, collaborated for a second time with Women’s Affairs Technical Committee to implement the action “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution”. The action was implemented between April 2015 and September 2017, in all governorates of the Gaza Strip and nine governorates from the West Bank. The final beneficiaries were from political parties, local media outlets and 220 young activists from the twenty communities were involved in the different stages of the project.

The project aimed at establishing the conditions for the advancement of the peace process by strengthening the political and societal participation of women leaders for a just and lasting peace. This overall goal was planned to be achieved through the two specific objectives; 1) promote women leadership to play influential role within political parties; 2) shifting social attitudes towards women’s political participation and empowering youth and specifically young women to play an active role in civil society peace building and reconciliation.


Kenya final report nysl

This 52 page document assesses the Banking on Change in Kenya endline evaluation of impacts in youth... Read More...

Kenya final report

This 34 page document assessed the results of the endline evaluation for Banking on Change carryover... Read More...

Ghana final report

This 78 page document presents the findings on the Ghana specific Banking on Change impact assessmen... Read More...

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