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Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping Study in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA) for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA)

The Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) in Bangladesh, notably the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor are vital for biodiversity and livelihoods. The UK government’s Adaptation in Ecologically Critical Areas known locally as NABAPALLAB- (Nature Based Adaptation towards Prosperous and Adept Lives & Livelihoods in Bangladesh) project aims to enhance resilience of the ecosystem and livelihoods through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA). The project has conducted three separate assessments (Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping study; Stakeholder Mapping and Political Economy Analysis; and Baseline Study) simultaneously during its inception stage. This report synthesizes findings from the ecological assessment and detailed scoping study. Insights were gathered to understand ecological status, community needs, and intervention opportunities in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor. The report further highlights current and emerging threats, drivers and complexities in both ECAs. The status of the natural resource base, degradation pattern and ecosystem health were also analysed and documented using physical data and recent satellite imagery.
In the Sundarbans, the study found different ecosystems, including wetlands, low-lying lands, riverside areas, homesteads, croplands, and coastal embankments. All of these ecosystems are affected by various climatic stressors such as salinity, tidal inundation, erratic rainfall, and cyclones. They are also impacted by anthropogenic drivers such as shrimp farming, water logging, overharvesting, illegal fishing, deforestation, poaching. For example, the study shows that shrimp cultivation has a profound effect on agriculture with changes in land use and intrusion of saline water, which lead to decreased soil fertility, crop failure and lower productivity. Shrimp cultivation also contributes to surface water pollution, leading to scarcity of drinking water and negative impacts on WASH. The study also highlights significant threats to important endangered wildlife species in the Sundarbans ECA, including the Masked Finfoot and White-Rumped Vulture. In addition to the anthropogenic threats, the study has identified other problems such as fishing with poison, bird hunting, use of illegal fishing equipment, canal siltation, and intrusion of saline water into freshwater wetlands. These issues result in decreased fish population, depletion of wildlife and reduced agricultural productivity.
The Hakaluki Haor, encompassing 276 interconnected beels (wetland lakes) over an area of 18,000 hectares, faces significant threats from both anthropogenic and climate change stressors. Extensive sedimentation and agricultural expansion have led to the conversion of over 20 beels to agricultural production, impacting wetland productivity, aquatic vegetation, fish populations, and local livelihoods. Degradation of rivers, canals, and hill streams within the Haor has further exacerbated these problems and challenges, affecting crop production, fish yields, and biodiversity. Encroachment on protected swamp forest areas after phase-out of previous projects, wide-ranging deforestation, and conversion of raised land (Kandas) for agriculture have negatively impacted the habitats of fish and birds, and other wetland-dependent wildlife as well as waterfowl migratory routes. Furthermore, elite capture excludes poor fisher folk and landless individuals from fishing and accessing natural resources, while agricultural expansion in Kanda areas raises concerns about increased use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers that pollute wetlands. Read More...

PCTFI Baseline Study Report 2015

PCTFI baseline study explored the existing barriers and opportunities for increased girls` participation, leadership and continuation of girls` education. It also investigated the existing and possible roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders who are important to improve the situation. Baseline data has been categorized under 27 key queries which have been summarized here into three parts; barriers and opportunities of girls` participation, underneath reasons behind not transforming into secondary education, an exploration of social and gender norms among the parents, SMCs, teachers and boys. It has also examined the attendance, dropout, promotion and progression rate of the students to explore the present scenario of girls` education both in primary education and transition to secondary level. According the PCTFI baseline study most of the girl students informed that they do not have adequate opportunities to participate in the school activities. Baseline data also shows very low participation of the girls in the extracurricular activities in school and lack of social environment for girls. Lack of encouraging environment and poor leadership capacity are pushing back the girls’ from school. Data shows the average score regarding participation and leadership is 1.7 out of 4 which depicts low participation and leadership of the girl students. In addition, a conducive environment at home to study is one of the hindrances that the study revealed. Distance from home and shortage of secondary school in the community is another significant barrier for the continuation of girl education. During the baseline study (2015) most of the parents and SMC members informed that while primary school is available almost in every village, secondary school is far from home. It has been also noted that the unsafe way to school aggravated by long distance from home thus parents are not interested to send their daughters to the secondary school. Baseline data also shows high score among boys and girls including parents regarding aspiration for higher study however, school data shows low attendance of both boys and girls especially of the fourth and fifth graders. Having 22.33 school days girls and boys attended an average of 14 and 11 days respectively which indicates lack of enthusiasm of the parents regarding their children`s education. On the other hands, Government’s limitation in attracting good teaching staffs, there is an evident inadequacy in the teaching capacities in general as well as specific to incorporating gender parity in teaching methods. Social norms continue to socialize teachers who are yet to believe in the concept of girls’ emancipation and leadership. Most of the girls do not enjoy fearless environment and usually hesitate to speak out in front of teacher. Teacher involved girl students in the gender stereotype activities which indicated poor understanding of gender parity among teachers. [31 pages] Read More...

“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger

Pregnancy among adolescent girls in Niger contributes to 34% of all deaths among females ages 15– 19, but there is a dearth of research as to the specific contextual causes. In Zinder region, an area that is especially impoverished and where girls are at heightened risk, there is very little information on the main obstacles to improving adolescents’ health and well-being.

This qualitative study examines the underlying social, individual and structural factors influencing married girls’ early first birth and participation in alternative opportunities (such as education or economic pursuits) in Niger. Read More...


Care International commissioned a study to examine the experiences of women and men, both Syrian and Lebanese, in Tripoli’s informal labor market. Informality constitutes a major component of the Tripolitan labor market. It is manifested in the form of informal employment as well as in neighborhoods in the form of informal housing. It is within this context that Syrian refugees settled in Tripoli, which, along its metropolitan area, hosted 6 percent of Lebanon’s Syrian refugees in 2015, i.e. around 70 000 registered refugees. 75 percent of refugees are located in Tripoli’s densely inhabited neighborhoods and the rest are located in the Bedawi neighborhood which also hosts a Palestinian Refugee camp (UN Habitat 2016). This form of settlement is accompanied by increased risk, and many - especially women - fall victim to various forms of violence. Amongst many places, this violence occurs at work, for both Syrian and Lebanese women. However, the former suffer an additional layer of violence emanating from racism due to their refugee status. Read More...

Midline (monsoon flood) and baseline (flsh flood) study of SUFAL-!! project

The baseline study concerning the impact of flash floods and lightning on the SUFAL-II project aims to analyze the context of flash floods and lightning, assess the scopes of the Early Warning System, and examine current trends of hazard-specific responses taken by individual, community, and institutional levels. The objective of this project is to bolster the capabilities of vulnerable communities and institutions in Bangladesh to implement forecast-based early actions. The study employed a mixed-method approach, amalgamating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. This was done to assess the context, accessibility, usage, and potential of early warning systems and early actions for mitigating the risks associated with flash floods and lightning hazards.
The study encompassed three districts prone to flash floods, namely Sylhet, Sunamganj, and Netrokona. For treatment group areas the selected Upazilas were Gowainghat, Dharmapasha, and Khaliajuri and for control group areas the selected areas were Sylhet Sadar, Sunamganj Sadar, Madan.
Data was collected from 502 households, 12 focus group discussions, and 19 key informant interviews. The study's findings indicate that flash floods and lightning are recurrent and severe hazards that pose significant threats to the communities' lives, assets, and livelihoods. These hazards disproportionately affect women, individuals with disabilities, and farmers. The study also identified several shortcomings in the existing early warning systems, including issues related to timeliness, quality, coverage, accessibility, comprehension, and trust.
The study further investigated the current and potential early actions that can be undertaken by communities and institutions to alleviate the impact of flash floods and lightning. These actions include seeking safe shelter, securing assets and livestock, and implementing strategies to cope with shocks and stress. Most significantly, there are no functional early warning systems in the targeted areas.
A total of 90.00% of the respondents from the treatment group and 50.80% of respondents from the control group areas said they were affected by flash floods within the previous three years. On the other hand, 69.30% of the respondents of treatment group and 50.80% of the respondents of control group areas admitted that their community members were affected by lightning in the past two years. Moreover, 74.40% of respondents of treatment group areas and 58.30% respondents of control group areas said that loss of human lives or major injury occurred due to lightning. Notably, Highest 81.90% of the respondents from both group areas said they did not get any early warning information regarding floods. FGD with respondents discovered that there is no functional early warning system in their areas for flash floods. Sometimes they got warnings through loudspeaker announcements when nearby areas got affected by the flood. In the case of lightning, 92.80% of the respondents from both group areas said they didn’t get any early warning information. Though there isn`t any early warning system for lightning, some respondents said in FGD that they occasionally identify symptoms by evaluating the cloud and notifying each other of the possibility of lightning which is considered as early warning for them. The respondents from both treatment and control group areas shared their opinions about different types of early warnings they received for different natural disasters. The highest 38.20% and 18.80% of the respondents received early warning (supposed to situation update) through television broadcasts from treatment and control group areas. The respondents from the treatment group and control group areas usually don’t get any functional early warnings. Hence, they consider flood situation updates and weather updates as early warnings. A total of 16.70% of the respondents admit that they won’t understand the early warning information due to language barriers, or technical jargon. From the treatment group areas, 61.50% of the respondents shared that due to a lack of clear instructions on severity and impact of the hazards, they won’t understand the warnings. Interestingly, a total of 17.90% of the respondents from both treatment and control group areas admitted some traditional beliefs and superstition might generate distrust against the early warnings. Read More...

POWER Africa Cote d’Ivoire Rolling Baseline Report 2017

POWER Africa, CARE’s Promoting Economic Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment in Rural Africa Project, is a USD $13 million, 4-year project, funded by the MasterCard Foundation which aims to increase financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda through the VSLA approach, while also creating a platform for sharing lessons learned within and between the four target countries.

Three years into the project there are 141,294 VSLA members in 6,433 groups.

This panel study, using 17 trained enumerators in six groups according to zones, carried out 360 1:1 interviews with VSLA members, examining their lives before VSLAs and now. Also interviewed as a control were 204 non-VSLA members. Additional evidence was gathered from a number of VSLA and non-VSLA focus groups. [26 pages]

The Status of Political Participation of Palestinian Women Under UNSCR 1325

The overall objective of thi research is to examine the different factors which influence Palestinian women’s political participation in compatibility with the principles of UNSCR 135, which focuses on considering the privacy of women and involving them in the processes of preservation of security and creating peace particularly in the areas affected by the conflict. Read More...

GenCAP/CARE Rapid Gender Analysis: Unity State, South Sudan

Women’s lives have only gotten worse following the political and inter-communal violence that has shaken South Sudan to its core since mid-December 2013i. Women have been raped and killed where they had sought shelter, including hospitals and churchesii. In April 2014, fighting in Unity State caused more than 20,000 people from throughout the state to seek refuge in Protection of Civilian centres in Bentiu: the biggest movement of people since the current crisis began. There has been relatively little analysis about the different needs of women, men, boys and girls during the current crisis in Unity.

Rapid gender analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the relationships between women, men, boys and girls. For the moment, this is only an incomplete, initial analysis of gender relations in Bentiu PoC area. Nevertheless the initial gender analysis and recommendations for more gender sensitive programming should inform programming to make sure we meet the needs and protect women, men, boys and girls. Read More...

POWER Africa Burundi Rolling Baseline Report

POWER Africa, CARE’s Promoting Economic Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment in Rural Africa Project, is a $13 million, four-year project, funded by the MasterCard Foundation which aims to increase financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda through the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) approach, financial education, and linking mature groups to formal financial institutions, while also creating a platform for sharing lessons learned within and between the four target countries. Three years into the project, in Burundi there are 102,098 VSLA members in 4,432 groups.
This study, using 18 trained enumerators in six groups, carried out 290 1:1 interviews with young women in VSLAs, examining their lives before VSLAs and now. Also, 130 non-VSLA members were interviewed as a control. Additional evidence was gathered from several VSLA and non-VSLA focus groups. [42 pages] Read More...

Somalia Resilience Program Third Party Monitoring: Midline Assessment

The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium of seven international non-governmental organisations (INGOs). The aim of the consortium is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable households and communities in Southern Somalia against cyclical shocks and stressors. The program’s activities focus on securing livelihoods and increasing adaptive capacities of communities and households in Somalia.

Overall, positive developments from the baseline was noted for most of the indicators analyzed in this report. Most of these positive developments could be attributed to different programme interventions. The attribution was tested through statistical correlation analysis and by synthesizing programme documents and the data collected at various stages throughout the project. The food security status of the respondents had improved, both in terms of food consumption and coping strategies. For example, the proportion of the respondents categorized as having an acceptable level of the Food Consumption Score (FCS) had increased from 48.5% in the baseline to 80.4% in the midline. The income of the respondents had also improved with both a significantly higher average income as well as more diversified income being reported. Those respondents that were part of a savings scheme as well as those that had received cash distributions through Cash for Work (CfW) or Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) reported higher FCS than those who had not. Respondents that had received cash distributions were also positively associated with higher incomes. As such, it is recommended that both VSLA and cash programming interventions should be sustained and if possible scaled-up. It is worth noting that livelihoods were still largely climate sensitive, with day labour in agriculture being the most common and important livelihood strategy, especially for male respondents. This implies that most people are still highly vulnerable to climatic shocks, such as drought. Read More...

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