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Search Results: 애플선물¤dan-gol¸CоM✽애플소액업체 애플구매✓애플판매✎애플최고가매입✴애플깡

Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Endterm Review Final Report

The Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project (KIFHP) is a three year project (November 2014 – October 2017) funded by the European Union (EU) with co-funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and CARE Austria. The project is implemented by CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK). The project is implemented in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The project aims to primarily contribute to achieving sustainable development goal 3 (SDG)and former MDGs 4 and 5 a +b-“Reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate”, “Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio” and “Achieve universal access to reproductive health”. The overall objective of the evaluation was to establish the results that have been achieved in the three years (November 2014‐October 2017) of implementation and the resultant impact this has had on the target beneficiaries. Read More...

Understanding the Impact of Addressing Root Causes of Child Marriage

Since 2013, the Tipping Point Initiative has been building evidence of what works to address child, early and forced marriage (CEFM). Our research with girls and their communities identified the social norms and expectations which stood in the way of girls achieving their goals; we then tested how community-led programming can most effectively transform harmful norms and build the agency and collective efficacy of girls to demand their rights and prevent child marriage. Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis: Mudansa Klimatika iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) Project

CARE’s Mudansa Kilimatica iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) project aims to build the adaptive capacity of women and men in vulnerable households living in seven sukos in Liquiça District on two highly degraded watersheds. The project goal is to increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through improved water management and water resource protection, improved land management and agricultural practices and micro-to-meso level processes that support natural resource management at the watershed level. The project will be implemented by a consortium led by CARE with WaterAid and four local partners; Centro do Desenvolvimento da Economia Popular (CDEP), Naroman Timor Foun (NTF), Malaidoi, and Hafoun Timor Lorosae (HTL).

The Gender Analysis found that men and women often shared productive workload, although there were some gender specific activities such as fishing for men and seed storage for women. Men and women share the burden of agricultural work, coffee harvesting and caring for home gardens. However, in terms of the domestic or reproductive sphere there is generally little change from traditional gender roles where women care for children, cook and clean and pay attention to household food security. Men are starting to undertake some household tasks such minding children and collecting water but addressing the burden of work shouldered by women within the household is essential in order to enable them to participate in other community activities. Women’s and men’s roles mean they will be affected differently by climate change with women likely to be more concerned with the health and household food security impacts. Read More...

Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health through Reducing Early Marriage in Remote Ethnic Communities in Sekong Province, Lao PDR

Lao PDR has the highest rates of early marriage in the region, even though the law sets the age of marriage at 18. Young brides are more vulnerable to sexual abuse from their partners and to unintended pregnancy. Lao PDR has the highest adolescent pregnancy rate in the region due to early marriage, limited knowledge of sexual & reproductive health, and limited access to appropriate services. The overall goal of the project is improved sexual reproductive and maternal health (SRMH) in remote ethnic communities in Sekong Province. The action contributes to reduced child marriage, as well as providing SRMH knowledge and developing youth friendly health infrastructure. The action engages the whole community to reflect on harmful traditions and their negative impact on the development of girls, and to create an enabling environment for girls. CARE also provides organizational and technical capacity development to local governments and partners to enable them to deliver key messages on the link between child marriage and pregnancy risk to the targeted ethnic minorities.
This report is 17 pages long.

Midterm Performance Evaluation of the Bangladesh NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP)

This 159-page midterm performance evaluation of the Bangladesh Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP) examines the project’s progress toward meeting its goal and objectives. NHSDP is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bangladesh’s largest health initiative; this flagship project is the latest in a series of programs going back to at least 1998 that have sought to improve the ability of local NGOs to provide basic health services to the poor. NHSDP was designed in 2012, when USAID was implementing significant procurement reforms and emphasizing the need to work more directly with local organizations. In 2013, USAID received gift funds from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) to co-fund NHSDP, which expanded the scope considerably. The DFID supplementary fund has supported the current NHSDP activities and strengthened its focus on family planning (FP) and maternal health outcomes, with a specific focus on improved service delivery for the urban poor. Read More...

Right to Food Nepal Midterm

This report presents the results of the midterm review of the Right to Food (RtF) project implemented by CARE Nepal from 2013 to 2017. The review aimed at assessing the project’s performance against its impact goal and domains of change and to make operational recommendations for the second phase of the project. Outcome mapping was also used as a methodological framework for this Mid Term Review. Data collection tools included focus groups, interviews, reflection workshops and collection of most significant change stories. Respondents included representatives from the impact groups (landless and small holder farmers), strategic partners, beneficiaries of small grant programme, technical partners (LIBIRD), CARE Nepal RtF project team and CARE DK. [60 pages] Read More...

Integrated Food Security Program (IFSP) Midterm

The overall goal of the IFSP is “to promote and protect the food and livelihood security of vulnerab... Read More...


CARE International, presented by CARE WBG, collaborated for a second time with Women’s Affairs Technical Committee to implement the action “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution”. The action was implemented between April 2015 and September 2017, in all governorates of the Gaza Strip and nine governorates from the West Bank. The final beneficiaries were from political parties, local media outlets and 220 young activists from the twenty communities were involved in the different stages of the project.

The project aimed at establishing the conditions for the advancement of the peace process by strengthening the political and societal participation of women leaders for a just and lasting peace. This overall goal was planned to be achieved through the two specific objectives; 1) promote women leadership to play influential role within political parties; 2) shifting social attitudes towards women’s political participation and empowering youth and specifically young women to play an active role in civil society peace building and reconciliation.



Step-Up to Empower Women & End Violence (SEEV) Project in South Kordofan State Sudan was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project was developed and planned to be implemented during the period December 2019 – to March 2021 and later extended to June, 2021 (including the 3-month non –cost extension).

SEEV directly contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals “Reduced Inequalities” no. 10, “Decent work and Economic growth” no. 8, “Zero Hunger”, no 2, and Peace, “Justice and Strong Institutions” no.16. It is in line with the principles of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Furthermore, the project is in line with the priorities of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as outlined in their Policy Document on Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation; reducing poverty social inequality, preventing conflict and instability, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and climate action.
The Final Evaluation of SEEV project was undertaken during the period 15 August 2021 – 30 September, 2021). The primary aim of SEEV project was to provide the project stakeholders with information about the performance of the project in relation to its stated objectives. The evaluation also examined the project relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact in addition, documentation of feasible practices and lessons learned.

Gender and Power Analysis Report: Disaster Ready Project, Timor-Leste 2018

Timor-Leste is subject to a range of disaster events, including rapid onset high winds, landslides, flash floods and minor earthquakes, which tend to happen frequently but have a limited humanitarian impact. Higher risk natural disasters include slow onset events such as prolonged rains or droughts, which are particularly severe in La Niña/El Niño years, increasingly affecting communities throughout Timor-Leste. These emergencies are likely to increase in frequency and/ or severity in coming years as a result of climate change. With approximately seventy percent (70%) of the population living in rural areas, reliant on subsistence agriculture and with poor access to infrastructure, services and markets, communities are highly vulnerable to disasters. The high prevalence of malnutrition and inadequate water and sanitation pose additional challenges and impact on communities’ ability to prepare for natural disaster and adapt to the changing environment.

The primary goal of the Gender and Power Analysis is to gain a broader understanding of gender and power dynamics that will affect the success of the Disaster READY project. The objectives of the analysis are to:

- understand how gender and social norms and beliefs influence women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify gender inequalities and harmful social and cultural norms that affect women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify positive trends, factors and role models that can be used to promote and drive transformation of harmful gender norms and practices;
- identify actions that Disaster READY can implement to promote equality in women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- apply the analysis to strengthen existing activities and ensure that they are not gender blind.

Disaster READY is a 4.5 year, $42.5m Australian Government funded program to help Timor-Leste and Pacific Island communities prepare for and build resilience to disasters.

Implemented by Australian NGOS with their local partners, Disaster READY has a specific focus on strengthening the ability of local communities and organisations in the Indo Pacific region, with an initial focus in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, PNG and Timor-Leste.

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