Conflict Mitigation

Projet Initiative Paix et Diversité au Sahel (IPAD) au Niger et au Burkina Faso Rapport Final

Cette évaluation finale a pour objet d’apprécier, après trois ans (2015 à 2017) de mise en œuvre, les changements induits par le projet «Initiative Paix et Diversité au Sahel (IPAD) dont la finalité était de contribuer à la mise en œuvre des résolutions du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies sur les femmes, la paix et la sécurité, notamment les résolutions 1325 et 1820 dans huit (8) communes au Niger et au Burkina Faso. Il s’agit, respectivement, de cinq Communes (Namaro, Tamou, Say, Liboré et Hamdallaye) de deux (2) départements (Kollo et Say) de la région de Tillabéry au Niger et de trois (3) Communes(Falangountou, Boundoré et Sampelga) de deux (2) provinces (Séno et du Yagha) dans la région de Dori au Burkina Faso. Read More...

TEMPS – Travaillons ensemble contre les mariages précoces

L’« Initiative conjointe de prévention et d’atténuation des effets du mariage précoce forcé dans les zones à fortes prévalences au Bénin et au Mali » est conçue par CARE (CARE Mali, CARE Bénin/Togo et CARE Canada) pour une durée de deux ans et demi (27 Mars, 2015 au 30 septembre, 2017) et financée par les Affaires Mondiales Canada (AMC). Le montant total de cette initiative est de $1,299,142 CAD pour le Mali.
Connu sur le terrain comme « TEMPS – Travaillons ensemble contre les mariages précoces », elle intervient au Bénin et au Mali. Au Mali, l’initiative est mise en œuvre dans huit (8) communes des régions de Mopti et Tombouctou. [46 pages] Read More...

Informe Evaluacion Final: Mejorando la capacidad de resiliencia y la respuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas, de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, departamento de Quiché

Esté proyecto buscó reducir las vulnerabilidades institucionales, educativas y sociales y mejorar la capacidad de resiliencia ante escenarios de multi-amenaza de las comunidades de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, del departamento de Quiché, fortalecer las capacidades de las comunidades y de las estructuras de la COMRED en los municipios mencionados para proteger sus medios de vida y responder eficaz y oportunamente con enfoque de ciudadanía inclusiva a situaciones de emergencias y/o desastres, ante escenarios de multi-amenaza. [33 paginas] Read More...

Empowering Men to Engage and Redefine Gender Equality (EMERGE) Final Evaluation

CARE International Sri Lanka’s ‘Empowering Men to Engage and Redefine Gender Equality’ (EMERGE) project was implemented across 30 villages and 5 plantations in the districts of Batticaloa, Polonnaruwa, Nuwara Eliya (2010-2014) and Hambantota and Moneragala (2010-2013). The project attempted to address persistent issues of gender inequality and GBV through the engagement of men and from a perspective that challenged hegemonic masculinities. The emphasis of this project was on transforming attitudes, perceptions and practice of gender inequality in various forms, working with men, boys and women to this end. The project worked at multiple levels - household, community, divisional, district and at national level where it engaged in advocacy efforts around the issues of gender equality and GBV. For CARE Sri Lanka, engaging men has been acknowledged as an important component of gender programming, as it is seen as widening the scope of its work to address GBV, by working with both men and women to challenge dominant masculinities. [42 pages] Read More...

From the Ground Up: Gender and Conflict Analysis in Yemen

In order to better understand the impact of armed conflict on men, women, boys, and girls, and changes in gender roles and relationships at household and community levels since the onset of conflict in March 2015, Oxfam, CARE and GenCap in Yemen collaborated to collect and analyse available data, with a view to further informing immediate humanitarian response as well as longer-term programming in Yemen. Sound understanding of the differential impact of the conflict on women, men, boys, and girls, helps us adapt our programming to specific life circumstances, capacities and vulnerabilities of men and women, but also to recognize entry points for transformative gender-specific actions that will respond to inequality and injustice in the future. [57 pages] Read More...

Sisi Vajana “We the Youth” Initiative

Sisi Vijana is a three-year (December 2013- November 2016) innovative initiative that works with young people between 13 to 23 years old in Burundi and DRC. The objective of the initiative is to reduce sexual and gender-based violence and promote gender equality. Due to the lack of research on masculinity among young people in the Great Lakes region, the first phase of this initiative includes a formative study on the attitudes of young people towards gender equality, masculinity, sexuality and violence. The results will contribute to the development of a regional model of engagement of young men and boys focused on transforming gender roles. The model will be used for capacity building of youth in the prevention and fight against SGBV. [52 pages] Read More...

L’initative Sisi Vijana (“Nous Les Jeunes”)

D’une durée de trois ans (Décembre 2013- Novembre 2016) SISI VIJANA est une initiative innovatrice qui travaille avec les jeunes de 13-23 ans du Burundi et de la RDC car travailler avec des jeunes hommes s'est avéré être une stratégie efficace pour redéfinir les normes de genre d'une société en faveur de l'égalité des genres. L’initiative est mise en œuvre par deux partenaires locaux à savoir REJA et JJB dans les provinces de GITEGA et NGOZI. L’objectif de l’initiative est de réduire les violences sexuelles basées sur le genre (SGBV) ainsi que la promotion de l’égalité des genres. En raison de l’absence des recherches sur la masculinité chez les jeunes dans la région des Grands Lacs, la première phase de cette initiative comprend une étude formative sur les attitudes des jeunes face à l'égalité des genres, la masculinité, la sexualité et la violence. Les résultats vont contribuer à l’élaboration d’un modèle régional d’engagement des jeunes garçons axé sur le genre transformatif. Le modèle sera utilisé pour renforcer les capacités des jeunes dans la prévention et la lutte contre les VSBG. [57 pages] Read More...

Norms and practices impeding gender equality in Burundian society

The overall goal of this study is to add to CARE Burundi’s understanding of men’s behaviours and attitudes and changes in those attitudes and behaviours with regard to promoting gender equality. The results of the study will be used to inform, drive and monitor policy development in promoting gender transformation. [41 pages] Read More...

Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program (NUWEP)

On July 2010 the Engaging Men Initiative started implementation in 10 CARE country offices. These COs used different mechanisms to implement the initiative. In some COs the initiative was integrated into ongoing Norad-supported Women Empowerment Programs (WEPs). Others implemented the initiative across the entire WEP portfolio of the CO, while in few COs men’s engagement supplemented smaller women empowerment projects. While the experience of working with men long existed in CARE, there has not been a deliberate attempt to target and mobilize men as allies to pursue CARE’s women’s empowerment agenda. There neither is the understanding/proper documentation of which strategies work best in this regards, or what the potential consequences of engaging men would be. The purpose with this reporting therefore is mainly to support the learning that is taking place within COs in the implementation of the Engaging Men Initiative through creating opportunity for critical reflection as well as the documentation of the key results. Please note that most of the questions below refer specifically to the Engaging Men Initiative and not to the larger WEP portfolio. [18 page]

Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED)

Care International Switzerland in Sudan (CIS) implemented the Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence in South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED) project in Sudan. The project aimed to improve household food security and income and contribute to building peaceful coexistence. SEED was implemented in two localities of South Darfur (Kass and Gereida) and in three localities of South Kordofan (Abu Jebeiha, Rashad and Alabassiya). In total, 8,525 households were targeted, including women, youth, traders and traditional leaders in pastoralist and farming communities. Read More...

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