Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV) Baseline Survey

Publication Date: 20191115

South Kordofan’s localities of Rashad and Abujubeiha have been affected by the instability created by the conflict between the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement- North (SPLM-N). The population of those localities have been significantly affected by the humanitarian crises that resulted from this conflict. However, amongst different segments of the communities, women are the most affected by the humanitarian crisis as many of family responsibilities are placed on them. Indeed, the challenges that women face increase as they often find themselves heading households because men family members migrate to other parts in Sudan looking for jobs and income opportunities.
CARE international Switzerland (CIS) is implementing a two-year project funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Step up to Empower Women and End Violence (SEEV). The project works in partnership with different stakeholders at the local and federal level. The principal objective of the project is “to empower women and girls living in Abujubeiha and Rashad localities, South Kordofan state, to achieve a good quality of life and a life free from violence”. This is planned to be achieve through promoting women engagement in decision-making forums; women economic empowerment; and enabling environment for women and girls.

Evaluation Type