ECRP Baseline Survey Report

Publication Date: 2018/02/22

ECRP is a climate change adaptation and resilience building programme implemented by a consortium made up of CARE, Action Aid with Christian Aid as managing agency. The programme aims at reducing the existing and future negative impact caused by natural hazards and climate change by strengthening capacity of vulnerable communities to cope better with these climatic risks and become more resilient.
The programme outcome objective is to enable 305,000 people (27 774 male headed and 33226 female headed households) from seven vulnerable districts develop their capacity to increase their resilience to climatic risk by June 2016. This will contribute to the reduction of extreme poverty and hunger which will in turn contribute to the attainment of the Hyogo Framework for Action by halving disaster losses and increasing communities’ resilience to climate change in Malawi.
The baseline survey was undertaken to identify benchmarks on impact, outcome and output indicators against which programme progress will be measured. It was carried out during the period June to August 2012.

Evaluation Type