NACC Final Evaluation Report

Publication Date: 2018/02/28

The Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change (NACC) Project is a German Government funded project with a duration of 36 months. Focusing on enhancing household food and nutritional security it operates in Angoche, Larde and Moma districts, Nampula Province, Mozambique. The project officially started in January 2015 and will end in April 2018 following a no-cost extension of 4 months. In October 2015 a baseline study was conducted that established the pre-project values for 11 indicators as per the M&E matrix. This report was commissioned as a follow up of the NACC baseline study with a strong focus on a quantitative survey which took up most of the time of the consultancy. In addition this report contains responses to some of the most important evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Type