Promoting Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers Project (PROFIFA) Baseline

Publication Date: 20180115

This report documents the findings of baseline survey for Promoting Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers Project (PROFIFA). This baseline survey was conducted by Strategic Development and Research Group (StratDever Ltd), on behalf of CARE International Rwanda in the period of October to December to 2017. The overall objective of the evaluation was to measure the initial level of impact and outcome indicators before the intervention of the PROFIFA project, set benchmark indicators and draw recommendations for better performance.
PROFIFA is a three year project funded by the Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR) and Implemented by CARE International in partnership with DUHAMIC ADRI. The project aims to promote financial inclusion for 120,000 Small Holder Farmers (men, women and youth) organized into 4,000 farmer groups and involved in maize, livestock and horticulture value chains in 8 Districts of Rwanda such us Nyamagabe, Huye (Sothern province), Rulindo, Gakenke, Gicumbi (Northern province), Rwamagana, Kayonza and Gatsibo (Eastern province). [56 pages]

Evaluation Type