For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Project Baseline Report

Publication Date: 2018/02/05

35 page baseline assessment of the FAIR II project is being implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbia and Montenegro by CARE and three established local Roma women lead civil society organization and presents a continuation and upgrade of CARE Balkans focus on empowering Roma women and girls to become agents of change in their families and communities, but also contribute to improved structures and practices addressing women’s rights and social inclusion, on national and regional levels. The intention is to impact directly lives of at least 7,000 people, mainly Roma women and girls and men and boys in 27 Roma communities in the three target countries through a wide range of mutually intertwined and reinforcing activities. This assessment is an initial information base, but also a set of recommended actions to be addressed by the project team, partners included, and as such used as a tool for monitoring project’s progress and effectiveness.

Evaluation Type