Gender Sensitive Citizen Charter Project: Baseline Study and Gender Gap Analysis

Publication Date: 2019/03/11

The Citizen Charter approach adopted by the project “Gender Sensitive Citizen Charters” follows the approach that citizens and civil society also have important roles to play in improving and delivering public services and achieving social outcomes... Too often citizens do not know what their basic entitlements and responsibilities are, or what performance they can expect of service providers. This lack of information prevents people accessing services, allows for underperformance of services and makes it easier for local officials and service providers to divert public resources for illicit gain. Many countries have established Service Charters, backed by information campaigns which make clear what services and benefits people are entitled to receive, the performance standards they should expect, and the grievance redress channels they can use when things go wrong. The project “Gender Sensitive Citizen Charters” adopts a gender approach for the citizen’s charter in order to respond to many challenges faced at the community levels in Egypt. One of these main challenges is the poverty level. The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) reports that Egypt’s poverty line has soared to a whopping 27.8 percent in 2015, compared to 25.2 percent back in 2011.Poverty is usually linked to distribution of resources but also to “who” can access them and “how”. Therefore, implementing a gender approach is essential as it helps in analyzing the power structures and the proper interventions to change them. This study aims at introducing a baseline study and a gender gap analysis. It depended on qualitative data collection through focus group discussions (FGDs) with women and men in both governorates where the project is implemented: Beni-Suef and Qena. It also collected data through key informant interviews with head of NGOs or CDAs in the villages and districts where the FGDs were conducted. [48 pages]

Evaluation Type