Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) Final Report

Publication Date: 20180523

From the perspective of a strong gender focus, CARE’s Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) sought to improve the economic security of women smallholder farmers and their households in Northern Ghana by increasing their productivity and access to inputs and markets. Funded through the Big Lottery Fund of the UK, HESP is implemented in the Garu-Tempane (GTD) and Lambussie (LD) districts of the Upper East and West regions of Ghana, respectively.

The project’s objectives and ultimate outcomes are:
1. Increased agricultural productivity for smallholder women farmers through improved and sustainable farming methods and increased access to productive resources; and
2. Increased household income for smallholder women farmers and micro entrepreneurs through effective engagement in economic opportunities along the soy and groundnut value chain.

Evaluation Type