Hinnou Vivo Final Evaluation

Publication Date: 2020/09/24

The project HINNOU VIVO, which kicked off in January 2015, drew to its close on 20 December 2019 following the implementation of its phase II. The purpose of this final evaluation is to measure the progress made and the results obtained following its implementation, in terms of improving family planning and immunization services with regard to the evolution of the contraceptive prevalence rate within the Adjohoun-Bonou-Dangbo healthcare zone (ABD/HZ) and across the healthcare areas (health centres and beneficiary communities) within the said healthcare zone. The evaluation also aims to determine the factors of the project which proved to be determining factors in this improvement of the contraceptive prevalence rate, to assess the effectiveness of the project implementation strategy (i.e. the immunization/FP activities’ integration strategy) and to assess the attitudes of healthcare providers in relation to the project results obtained.

Evaluation Type