Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF): Interim Report

Publication Date: 2018/06/27

The Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) project is managed by CARE and its local NGO partners and involves priority actions including Information for Citizen (I4C) activities, budget awareness raising, and facilitation of the community scorecard approach and self-assessments. Significant progress was made towards achieving the I-SAF project goal during this reporting period from 01 November 2017 to 30 April 2018. The Implementation Plan of the Social Accountability Framework specifies the following implementation arrangements, which determines the roles and participation of the various actors and stakeholders. 272 Local None Governmental Organization (LNGO) partners were successfully recruited which 20 NGOs are implementing partners, four horizontal partners and three specialized training partners.
On all levels of government, national and sub-national levels, most authorities have shown an enthusiasm for the I-SAF project, particularly services providers at the district level. During the reporting period, Community Accountability Facilitators (CAFs) were completed refresher training in Module1-3 and ISAF cycle was readjusted to fit with CARE’s financial year. The inception meetings and I4C awareness meetings were conducted in all of CARE’s allocated districts, which were attended by government officials from the commune council, primary school, and health centre. Whereas, community scorecard and service provider self-assessment meetings are on-going. [24 pages]

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