Promgrama Vive Salud Estudio de Línea de Base Moquegua

Publication Date: 2024/06/11

The "Vive Salud" program is a collaborative initiative between the Regional Government of Moquegua and Anglo American Quellaveco SA aimed at enhancing health services and promoting preventative care across 14 health establishments and two community mental health centers within the region. The program’s initial phase, spanning from 2024 to 2026, focuses on implementation, while the second phase (2027-2029) emphasizes institutionalization. Care Perú executed a six-month pilot phase (Phase 0) in communities influenced by the Quellaveco mining project, in coordination with the Regional Health Directorate (DIRESA) and local health facilities, aligning with Peru’s public health policies. This report documents the Baseline Study for the "Vive Salud" program (2023-2030), measuring initial community health indicators in the project's area of influence. The study utilizes a robust methodology with quantitative analysis, extensive fieldwork, and household and facility surveys conducted in April 2023. The report is structured into seven chapters, detailing objectives, methodology, results, limitations, and recommendations, with annexes providing further methodological insights. The findings aim to inform program improvements and support the development of regional health policies addressing Moquegua's evolving demographic and socio-epidemiological challenges.

Page Count: 90

Evaluation Type