Sexual Reproductive and Maternal Health (SRMH) Baseline Assessment Report in Anbar Governorate

Publication Date: 20190415

Although people in governorates impacted directly by recent military operations including Anbar remain the focus of humanitarian assistance for 2019, more detailed data collection and improved analysis shows important geographic variations in terms of needs at district level. The most urgent needs are found in areas where past hostilities have led to destruction of infrastructure, a breakdown of services and erosion of social fabric, or in areas indirectly impacted due to hosting and providing for a sizeable displaced population. Limited livelihood opportunities in these locations including FallujaAnbar are a key compounding factor keeping some of the most vulnerable people dependent on humanitarian assistance.

This baseline report was conducted for the "Support for conflict-affected people by strengthening essential primary health care services and protection from gender-based violence" project and was funded by German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO).