Rapid Gender Analysis Internally Displaced Population of Bersive 1 Dahuk Governorate, Kurdish Region of Iraq

Publication Date: 2020/04/21

Yazadis, Turkmens, Kurdish and Arabic Muslims and Christians have been displaced in massive numbers since armed groups began targeting Mosul and northern Iraq. Since August 2014, Dahuk Governorate in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) has experienced the single largest increase in internally displaced people (IDPs) and hosts most of the displaced people. This assessment looks at gender relations in Bersive, one of many camps in Zakho District of Dahuk Governorate hosting displaced Yazadis, Turkmens, and Kurdish Muslims. The gender impact of the humanitarian crisis on women, men, boys and girls in Iraq is only slowly becoming visible. By exploring the impact of the crisis on women, men, boys and girls in Bersive, the CARE Gender and Protection Assessment has two objectives:

1. To inform CARE’s programming in Bersive 1 based on the different needs of women, men, boys and girls;

2. To support a Joint Gender Analysis for Northern Iraq by Oxfam and CARE to advocate for more gender sensitive programming throughout Iraq.

Evaluation Type