Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES-BRACED)

Publication Date: 2019/01/25

The Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES) is a DFID funded project in Niger managed by CARE International UK and implemented by CARE Niger, TREE AID and the following local partners: AREN, MOREEBEN, and IDEES DUBARA, INRAN and AGRHYMET. The project is part of the programme Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED), comprising 15 projects in the Sahel, and South- Southeast Asia. PRESENCES was implemented for 3 years, from January 2015 to December 2017 and covered 12 rural communes of the Tillabéry region. Its principal outcome was to increase adaptation, anticipation and absorption capacity of poor and vulnerable women and men against climate extremes and disasters, through three main outputs:
1. Improved relevance, access to and use of climate information services, planning and risk management for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
2. Poor and vulnerable women and men are benefitting from sustainable and climate-resilient livelihood options.
3. Governance systems and structures at local, national and regional levels support equitable, sustainable and climate-resilient management of natural resources.

Evaluation Type