Promoting Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers Project (PROFIFA) Endline

Publication Date: 2020/10/03

Promoting Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers Project (PROFIFA), was a project funded by Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR) and implemented by Care International and DUHAMIC – ADRI from June-2017 to May-2020. The project goal was to promote financial inclusion for 120,000 Small Holder Farmers (Women and Youth) organized into 4,000 farmer groups involved in maize, livestock, and horticulture value chains. The main project interventions included: (1) Improved profitability and competitiveness among rural women’s agribusinesses, (2) Increased access and use of a wide range of affordable and appropriate agricultural financial services, and (3) Increased agriculture and small livestock production, value addition and access to markets among 120,000 youth and women smallholder farmers.

Evaluation Type