Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Young Men Initiative Project II (YMI) External Evaluation

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Young Men Initiative – “Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by Challenging Gender Stereotypes II project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE´s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence. This project aims at scaling up and mainstreaming earlier achievements related to the implementation of the Gender Transformative Life Skills program, or short Program Y, via targeted advocacy and a close cooperation with relevant stakeholder through the support of movement/coalition building through the development of new alliances that engage parents and citizens in supporting gender equality focused life skills education program. Through a comprehensive analysis both of the project documentation and the information provided the individual interviews with over 20 project participants, this evaluation drew a set of conclusions, both from the perspective of best practices and key challenges, which consequently led to a set of recommendations for CARE International Balkans on how to continue making this important social change [31 pages].

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