Fill the Nutrition Gap (FNGAP) Impact Assessment Report Kyaka II, Kyegegwa District
Publication Date: 2024/11/06
This document is an impact assessment report for the Fill the Nutrition Gap (FNGAP 1) project, which was implemented in the Kyaka II refugee settlement in Uganda. The project, carried out by CARE and JESE from January 2023 to June 2024, aimed to improve nutrition, resilience, and income generation among vulnerable households, particularly focusing on women and children. The report evaluates the project’s effectiveness through mixed-methods data collection, including household surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. The findings highlight significant improvements in food security, child feeding practices, and household income, with notable shifts in gender dynamics. However, the report also identifies ongoing challenges, such as crop diseases and water scarcity, and offers recommendations for strengthening the project’s impact, including enhanced agricultural support, financial empowerment, and community engagement. The document provides valuable lessons for future nutrition and food security interventions in similar contexts.