GenCAP/CARE Rapid Gender Analysis: Unity State, South Sudan

Publication Date: 2020/04/21

Women’s lives have only gotten worse following the political and inter-communal violence that has shaken South Sudan to its core since mid-December 2013i. Women have been raped and killed where they had sought shelter, including hospitals and churchesii. In April 2014, fighting in Unity State caused more than 20,000 people from throughout the state to seek refuge in Protection of Civilian centres in Bentiu: the biggest movement of people since the current crisis began. There has been relatively little analysis about the different needs of women, men, boys and girls during the current crisis in Unity.

Rapid gender analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the relationships between women, men, boys and girls. For the moment, this is only an incomplete, initial analysis of gender relations in Bentiu PoC area. Nevertheless the initial gender analysis and recommendations for more gender sensitive programming should inform programming to make sure we meet the needs and protect women, men, boys and girls.