GEWEP II Mali Final Evaluation Report

Publication Date: 20190101

The Women and Girls Empowerment and Civil Society Governance Projet (GEWEP) known as MAAYA DANBE in local language, is funded by the Norway Government through CARE Norway for four years (2016-2019) and seeks to empower women and girls affected by poverty, inequality, violence and social marginalization to claim and achieve their human rights. The GEWEP project comprises four theme-based cross-cutting components: (i) strengthening civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men/boys’ engagement in the transformation of gender norms. The GEWEP projet is part of a global funding provided by CARE Norway, through the Norway Government, to some African countries including Mali, Niger, DRC, Rwanda and Burundi.

The key findings from the final evaluation of GEWEP II are presented in this report which looks at a number of crosscutting themes.

Evaluation Type