Promoting Human Rights and Inclusion of Roma Women and Youth Final Evaluation

Publication Date: 2022/04/01

The following report represents the external evaluation conducted on the implemented EuropeAid/EIDHR project: Promoting Human Rights and Inclusion of Roma Women and Youth.
The project lasted 21 months, and has been implemented by CARE Deutschland e.V. / CARE International Balkans, office in Sarajevo. The project aimed at the promotion and protection of civil, political, social, economic, and cultural rights of the Roma minority by strengthening Roma civil society organizations and democracy activists in BIH. More specifically, the objective of the respective project was to protect and enhance the social, cultural, and economic rights of Roma women and youth and increase their influence in decision making processes.
The project has been implemented with co-applicants’ organizations Romani Ćej- Romska djevojka from Prnjavor and Roma association Jačanje - Zuralipe- from Vitez, and with the participation of local stakeholders like municipal departments responsible for social issues as well as economic departments from Vitez, Travnik, Donji Vakuf, Prnjavor, Modriča and Vukosavlje municipalities. The action has derived from the rich experience of CARE in working with grass root organizations, CSOs, and local stakeholders to promote political, social, and economic rights of the Roma minority with a clear focus on women’s and youth’s empowerment. CARE has been active in implementing Roma inclusion and capacity building projects since 2005.
The objectives of the external evaluation process are to: evaluate the achievement of the overall impact, evaluate if all partners worked toward the aims and objectives of the project.

Evaluation Type