Tropical Cyclone Gita Kingdom of Tonga Rapid Gender Analysis Sub-focus on Shelter and Food Security and Livelihoods

Publication Date: 2020/04/08

TC Gita passed through the Kingdom of Tonga on 12 February 2018 as a Category 4 cyclone. Seventy five percent of the population or 79,556 people have been affected. The island of Tongatapu where the capital Nuku’alofa is located and the nearby island of ‘Eua suffered the greatest impact.

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, SOGIE and other marginalised people prior to and after
TC Gita. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the
affected communities. Taking into consideration the tight time-frame, rapidly changing context and limited information.