Publication Date: 20190930

Care International commissioned a study to examine the experiences of women and men, both Syrian and Lebanese, in Tripoli’s informal labor market. Informality constitutes a major component of the Tripolitan labor market. It is manifested in the form of informal employment as well as in neighborhoods in the form of informal housing. It is within this context that Syrian refugees settled in Tripoli, which, along its metropolitan area, hosted 6 percent of Lebanon’s Syrian refugees in 2015, i.e. around 70 000 registered refugees. 75 percent of refugees are located in Tripoli’s densely inhabited neighborhoods and the rest are located in the Bedawi neighborhood which also hosts a Palestinian Refugee camp (UN Habitat 2016). This form of settlement is accompanied by increased risk, and many - especially women - fall victim to various forms of violence. Amongst many places, this violence occurs at work, for both Syrian and Lebanese women. However, the former suffer an additional layer of violence emanating from racism due to their refugee status.