Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (PACE) Training Impact Assessment

In 2016, CARE International and Chrysalis carried out the P.A.C.E. training program for female workers of the tea plantation sector, in the Hatton and Watawala Regions in Sri Lanka. Sponsored by GAP Inc., the P.A.C.E. program created for female garment workers (FGWs) was scaled down and modified to better suit the schedule and capacity of female plantation workers (FPWs). This training program was conducted as a pilot for the FPWs. CARE’s facilitators and trainers were trained on the P.A.C.E. program by GAP’s P.A.C.E. Master Trainer in Sri Lanka. The conducted P.A.C.E. program consisted of the four core areas of training: Communication, Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM), Time and Stress Management (TSM), and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The WASH training was carried out by Chrysalis trainers in collaboration with the Estate Medical Officers, Health Officers and volunteers of each individual estate. [27 pages] Read More...

Yemen Joint Response 2 (YJR2) Final Evaluation

The Yemen Joint Response 2 (YJR2) was the second phase of humanitarian response in Yemen funded by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) through the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), a consortium of fourteen Dutch International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) active since 2015. YJR2 was implemented by five DRA members (CARE (Lead), Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, Stichting Vluchteling/The IRC and ZOA) with EUR 6.660.000 over 15 months from 1 December 2015 until 28 February 2017. During YJR2, members implemented activities to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, food security, nutrition, shelter and non-food items (NFI), and protection. YJR2 newly introduced a country-level coordination mechanism to enhance the Added Value of consortium working. The final evaluation of YJR2 was carried out in July and August 2017. This evaluation assesses the delivery of humanitarian assistance and the performance of the coordination mechanism in Yemen during YJR2 and makes recommendations for strengthening Added Value in future Yemen Joint Responses. [63 pages] Read More...

Rapport de l’Evaluation de Base EGRA

Cette évaluation de ligne de base du projet a été conduite entre mai et juin 2017 par le personnel de suivi et évaluation du projet avant le démarrage des activités à fort impact sur les bénéficiaires. Cette évaluation s’est donnée pour but de prendre un instantané de la situation dans les écoles partenaires avant le début réel des activités. Cet instantané s’est focalisé sur la capacité des enfants à lire et à écrire et sur l’offre scolaire au niveau des écoles partenaires.
De ce fait, 4 types d’enquêtes ont été réalisées :

- Une évaluation EGRA pour mesurer la capacité des enfants à lire et à écrire. Cette évaluation a été conduite auprès de 1337 élèves (49% de garçons et 51% de filles) choisis aléatoirement dont 649 élèves du Nord venant de 19 écoles et 688 élèves du Sud’Est venant de 20 écoles.
- Une enquête auprès des professeurs avec un guide d’observation en salle de classe (Stallings Classroom Snapshot Observation System) et un questionnaire pour interviewer les
- Une enquête au niveau des écoles visitées avec un guide d’observation de l’état infrastructurel de l’école et un guide d’interview pour le directeur.
- Une enquête auprès des inspecteurs à travers un guide d’interview. [50 pages] Read More...

Sustainable and Effective Economic Development (SEED) Project Summative Evaluation Report

The Sustainable and Effective Economic Development (SEED) project was a seven-year initiative that started in January, 2006, and ended in April, 2013. The project was funded by CIDA and managed by CARE Canada and CARE Mozambique in partnership with Irish Aid, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). CIDA’s contribution was $7.5 million. Irish Aid contributed Euros 1,218,906 towards funding for the cashew component of the project, and IFAD contributed Euros 353,630 towards funding for the goat component with research undertaken by ILRI staff.
The SEED project was implemented in a difficult and challenging environment. The primary stakeholders were the women and men living in the rural communities of the project area and their needs were many. Most were living at a subsistence level in some of the poorest districts and communities of Mozambique. There were limited economic opportunities as these communities were dispersed, populations sparse and transport access was very difficult to and between many communities. There was also a lack of service providers supplying agricultural inputs or technical support at the community and government levels. These communities were confronted with incidences of HIV/AIDS and the numbers of female headed households were high. [76 pages] Read More...

Drc – cap – baseline – dec 03

The goal of Congo in Action for Peace (CAP) is the informed participation of Congolese society in po... Read More...

Evaluation of the tuungane-linked vsla maniema province challenges 25 08 2014 (3)

Final Evaluation of Tuungane Project implemented in DRC: Tuungane, operating in the Democratic Repu... Read More...

Final evaluation of tufaidike wote addendum

This 10 page addendum highlights the comments of the external evalutor on the process of the Tufaidi... Read More...

Congo en Action Pour La Paix (CAP)

The main objective of this evaluation is to assess the results of grant activities completed under t... Read More...

L’initative Sisi Vijana (“Nous Les Jeunes”)

D’une durée de trois ans (Décembre 2013- Novembre 2016) SISI VIJANA est une initiative innovatrice qui travaille avec les jeunes de 13-23 ans du Burundi et de la RDC car travailler avec des jeunes hommes s'est avéré être une stratégie efficace pour redéfinir les normes de genre d'une société en faveur de l'égalité des genres. L’initiative est mise en œuvre par deux partenaires locaux à savoir REJA et JJB dans les provinces de GITEGA et NGOZI. L’objectif de l’initiative est de réduire les violences sexuelles basées sur le genre (SGBV) ainsi que la promotion de l’égalité des genres. En raison de l’absence des recherches sur la masculinité chez les jeunes dans la région des Grands Lacs, la première phase de cette initiative comprend une étude formative sur les attitudes des jeunes face à l'égalité des genres, la masculinité, la sexualité et la violence. Les résultats vont contribuer à l’élaboration d’un modèle régional d’engagement des jeunes garçons axé sur le genre transformatif. Le modèle sera utilisé pour renforcer les capacités des jeunes dans la prévention et la lutte contre les VSBG. [57 pages] Read More...

Sisi Vajana “We the Youth” Initiative

Sisi Vijana is a three-year (December 2013- November 2016) innovative initiative that works with young people between 13 to 23 years old in Burundi and DRC. The objective of the initiative is to reduce sexual and gender-based violence and promote gender equality. Due to the lack of research on masculinity among young people in the Great Lakes region, the first phase of this initiative includes a formative study on the attitudes of young people towards gender equality, masculinity, sexuality and violence. The results will contribute to the development of a regional model of engagement of young men and boys focused on transforming gender roles. The model will be used for capacity building of youth in the prevention and fight against SGBV. [52 pages] Read More...

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