Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Baseline Report Evaluation of the CASCADE Programme in Uganda
and Mozambique between June 2022 and December 2026. AIR® partnered with GAIN and CARE to design and conduct rigorous mixed methods impact evaluations of the CASCADE programme in the six target countries. The evaluations will answer questions about CASCADE’s causal impact, strengths, and challenges. The impact evaluation focuses on those aspects of the programme that are implemented at the beneficiary level. The evaluation team will also conduct, in 2027, a process evaluation to assess policy and systems-level change as well as implementation fidelity with support from local country teams.
The primary purpose of this baseline report is to document and describe the study sample in Uganda prior to the start of the programme, and to test for equivalence at baseline between the treatment and comparison groups. This report first explains the context, details, and motivation behind the CASCADE programme. Subsequently, it explains the theory of change (ToC), research questions, study design, baseline data collection, sample description, baseline measures of key indicators and domains, and baseline equivalence between the treatment and comparison groups. Lastly, the report provides insights about the nutritional status at baseline of the target population and identifies key areas to guide activities by the programme implementation team. Read More...
Pakistan Multi-sector Integrated Emergency Response – Phase 2
Increased access to clean drinking water for flood affected communities in target areas and provide better facilities for vulnerable groups.
Improved learning environment for children enrolled in schools in flood affected target area
Increased protection services to communities
Increased livelihood support to communities
Awareness raising and capacity building regarding the DRR.
CARE Pakistan intended to conduct endline evaluation of the project and contracted a consultancy firm, CDMSD to assess performance of the project on Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Development Assistance Committee (DAC) OECD-DAC criteria (Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability) and document its achievements, challenges, best practices, and the learning aspects for all stakeholders, with the aim of informing future similar programming. Further to assess the project strategies and interventions on and their quality criteria with specific focus on DNH, participation, inclusion and accountability strategies of the project.
The consultant employed a mixed approach comprised of qualitative and quantitative data to collect primary data and desk review for secondary data collection. 404 households were interviewed through sample beneficiary survey beside 10 FGDs with men and women and 16 Key Informant Interview conducted with project staff and relevant stakeholders. Appropriate quality control measures were put in place to ensure completeness and accuracy of the collected data. Read More...
Gender Equity and Resilience in Malawi: Insights from Titukulane RFSA Outcome Harvesting
Building off the earlier Gender Outcome Mapping, the 2024 Outcome Harvest evaluated Titukulane’s impact on five gender equality interventions, which included:
- More women are now asking men for help with household chores, freeing up time for rest and family care.
- Men are becoming active in tasks traditionally viewed as women’s work, including child feeding and housekeeping.
- Women have greater influence over nutritional choices, especially in food purchasing and household meal distribution, though cultural norms still limit their authority over assets like land and livestock.
- More women are stepping into community leadership roles, though these roles are typically less influential than men’s.
- Community attitudes towards GBV are shifting, with more cases reported and discussed openly. Men and youth are increasingly vocal against GBV, fostering greater awareness. Read More...
Curiosity Collective : Evidence of Social Changes for Women in Savings Groups
The economic impacts of the groups are well documented. Women and men in VSLA groups save between an estimated $400 and $700 million each year. In West Africa, 3.2 million women participate in VSLA. The savings and credit can be transformational, helping women start businesses, pay school fees, and access emergency loans when they have a crisis in the family. A randomized controlled trial of VSLAs conducted by Innovations for Poverty Action showed that VSLAs substantially increased women’s access to financial services, income, and ability to start businesses.
Perhaps more important, but less formally documented, is the impact that VSLAs have on women themselves, and the social fabric of their communities. Anecdotally, women themselves often point to increases in self-confidence, independence, and a greater belief in their own ability to change things in their lives, as the VSLA impacts that are most important to them. For example, one woman in Niger says, “[VSLA]1 has opened my eyes
and now I do not hide anymore and I speak a lot.”
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