Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.
Final Evaluation of the Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa Extension Period (2015 – 2017)
For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Midterm Report
Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (PACE) Training Impact Assessment
Yemen Joint Response 2 (YJR2) Final Evaluation
Rapport de l’Evaluation de Base EGRA
De ce fait, 4 types d’enquêtes ont été réalisées :
- Une évaluation EGRA pour mesurer la capacité des enfants à lire et à écrire. Cette évaluation a été conduite auprès de 1337 élèves (49% de garçons et 51% de filles) choisis aléatoirement dont 649 élèves du Nord venant de 19 écoles et 688 élèves du Sud’Est venant de 20 écoles.
- Une enquête auprès des professeurs avec un guide d’observation en salle de classe (Stallings Classroom Snapshot Observation System) et un questionnaire pour interviewer les
- Une enquête au niveau des écoles visitées avec un guide d’observation de l’état infrastructurel de l’école et un guide d’interview pour le directeur.
- Une enquête auprès des inspecteurs à travers un guide d’interview. [50 pages] Read More...
Sustainable and Effective Economic Development (SEED) Project Summative Evaluation Report
The SEED project was implemented in a difficult and challenging environment. The primary stakeholders were the women and men living in the rural communities of the project area and their needs were many. Most were living at a subsistence level in some of the poorest districts and communities of Mozambique. There were limited economic opportunities as these communities were dispersed, populations sparse and transport access was very difficult to and between many communities. There was also a lack of service providers supplying agricultural inputs or technical support at the community and government levels. These communities were confronted with incidences of HIV/AIDS and the numbers of female headed households were high. [76 pages] Read More...
Refugee Assistant Initiative in Liberia (RAIL) End of Project Impact Survey
The project was looking at water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), livelihood with focus on Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) and support to the education of the refugee children, through Early Childhood Education, meant to help develop and mold the minds of the children in their early years while their brains are still pliable.
This multi-faceted approach enhances the protection of the rights of refugees in order to maintain a favorable environment and sustained local integration for those wanting to stay in Liberia. [11 pages] Read More...
Sisi Vajana “We the Youth” Initiative
L’initative Sisi Vijana (“Nous Les Jeunes”)
Norms and practices impeding gender equality in Burundian society
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