Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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SHABGE-CHOLEN Pilot Initiative Evaluation

The SHABGE project was initiated in July, 2002 in 16 different sites of three thanas in Banderban district of Bangladesh. There is a commitment in the SHABGE- DFID project memorandum to pilot support for homestead Gardening Extension in CHT. This research has been conducted with the objective to evaluate the impact of SHABGE project in four intervened areas (communities). Read More...

Capacity Strengthening Activities of the Rural Maintenance Programme Impact Assessment

This 116-page report shares the results of the impact assessment of the Capacity Strengthening (CS) activities of the Rural Maintenance Programme (RMP). RMP is a major rural works programme co-managed by the Government of Bangladesh and CARE Bangladesh. RMP is implemented in 4200 Unions under 61 out of 64 districts where 42 000 destitute women (the majority of whom are divorced, separated, widowed or outcast) are employed for 4 year cycles to maintain roughly 84 000 kms of rural earthen roads. The objective of CS was to strengthen the management capacity of local governments to manage development activities (including RMP), to enhance the participation of female representatives of Local Government Institutions in planning and decision-making processes and lastly, to enhance the participation of community members in development. Read More...

Proyecto Mujeres Madres Ninos / As Constructores del Desarrollo Local

pretendiendo alcanzar participación de las mujeres en edad fértil para fortalecer sus conocimientos ... Read More...

Strengthening advocacy for Indigenous People and Rural Farmers in Bolivia

Strengthening of the participation of organizations of farmers and indigenous people of Chuquisaca, ... Read More...

Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en Espacios Urbanos

el proyecto plantea como propósito de análisis “establecer los lineamientos para el abordaje de l... Read More...

Ind – care india rba – final – oct 06

Review of the various Rights-Based Approach programs in CARE-India Read More...

Sharing Power, Claiming Rights: Learnings from CARE Programmes in India On Governance And Rights

Goal: to outline and determine CARE India’s current status with regard to the mainstreaming of gover... Read More...

SNEHAL Mid-Term Reflective Practice Report

Sustained Nutrition, Education, Health and Livelihoods (SNEHAL) Project aims at empowering communiti... Read More...

Tanzania National Voucher Scheme (TNVS) Training Annual Report

enables groups most at risk from Malaria (pregnant women and infants) to have access to insecticide-... Read More...

Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of CBOs Under EMPAFORM Programme


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