Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Projet Velontegna Rapport Intermediaire

Le projet VELONTEGNA, financé par la Coopération Allemande intervient dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire et couvre 6 communes des deux Districts de la Région Atsinanana, à savoir Brickaville et Toamasina II. Mis en œuvre par les deux partenaires CARE International et l’ONG SAF FJKM, il a débuté ses activités proprement dites depuis son lancement officiel au mois de septembre 2015 et a entamé actuellement les 53% de sa période de mise en œuvre. Malgré les efforts de l’Etat actuel, les impacts de la longue crise politique de 2009 à 2013 se font sentir à travers la vie sociale et surtout économique du pays et continuent à sévir dans tous les aspects de la vie des citoyens. Selon le groupe de la Banque Mondiale dans le rapport « Madagascar Vue d’ensemble » Madagascar affiche des résultats en matière d’éducation, de santé, de nutrition et d’accès à l’eau parmi les plus faibles du monde, 90 % de la population vit dans la pauvreté, le PIB par habitant s’élève à 420 dollars, un enfant sur deux (de moins de cinq ans) souffre de malnutrition chronique ; et le pays est classé au 154e rang sur 187 pays de l’indice de développement humain réalisé en 2015. Read More...

ANCP Malwai Microfinance Project Final Evaluation

The Malawi Microfinance Project is a three-year Australian NGO Cooperative Program (ANCP) funded project that is being implemented in Dowa (TA Dzoole and Chiwere), Lilongwe (TA Kalumbu) and Kasungu (TA Kaomba, Mwase and Njombwa). The Project, which started in October 2013 and ending in June 2016, was being implemented with the overall aim of helping 20,000 rural households to overcome chronic food insecurity through enabling women access to finance, appropriate training and finance. An end of project evaluation was commissioned by Care Malawi to assess the overall performance of Malawi Microfinance Project against set goals and outcome benchmarks. Read More...

Refugee Assistant Initiative in Liberia (RAIL) End of Project Impact Survey

The RAIL project designed to help the UNHCR to provide basic assistance to refugees by strengthening their existing capacity, while promoting self-reliance and livelihoods, is a multi-sector project.

The project was looking at water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), livelihood with focus on Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) and support to the education of the refugee children, through Early Childhood Education, meant to help develop and mold the minds of the children in their early years while their brains are still pliable.

This multi-faceted approach enhances the protection of the rights of refugees in order to maintain a favorable environment and sustained local integration for those wanting to stay in Liberia. [11 pages] Read More...

Ombona Baseline

Selon les TDR, à la fin du mandat de cet etude:
• le Projet Ombona serait capable d’apprécier la situation qui prévaut dans les huit communes en ce qui concerne l’accès des ménages, notamment des plus vulnérables et des femmes aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière.
• les indicateurs d’amélioration de condition de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau de ménage  affiner les stratégies de mise en oeuvre et choisir l’approche la plus appropriée.

Ombona Resume Executif

Resume Executif de l'etude de reference du projet Ombona. Rapport complet disponible ici:

Selon les TDR, à la fin du mandat de cet etude:
• le Projet Ombona serait capable d’apprécier la situation qui prévaut dans les huit communes en ce qui concerne l’accès des ménages, notamment des plus vulnérables et des femmes aux services des banques par le biais du mobile banking et de l’inclusion financière.
• les indicateurs d’amélioration de condition de vie des femmes à travers la prise de décision financière au niveau de ménage  affiner les stratégies de mise en oeuvre et choisir l’approche la plus appropriée. Read More...

Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) Final Report

From the perspective of a strong gender focus, CARE’s Household Economic Security for Poor Women’s Project (HESP) sought to improve the economic security of women smallholder farmers and their households in Northern Ghana by increasing their productivity and access to inputs and markets. Funded through the Big Lottery Fund of the UK, HESP is implemented in the Garu-Tempane (GTD) and Lambussie (LD) districts of the Upper East and West regions of Ghana, respectively.

The project’s objectives and ultimate outcomes are:
1. Increased agricultural productivity for smallholder women farmers through improved and sustainable farming methods and increased access to productive resources; and
2. Increased household income for smallholder women farmers and micro entrepreneurs through effective engagement in economic opportunities along the soy and groundnut value chain.

Evaluation Finale de l’Initiative «Strengthening Access For Livelihoods and Basic Services (SALI-BASE)»

Le projet SALI BASE exécuté par CARE Niger de juin 2017 à mai 2018 a pour objectif principal d‘atténuer l'impact du conflit dans le nord-est du Nigeria et accroître la résilience des personnes déplacées et des communautés hôtes dans les départements du Maine Soroa, Diffa et N'guigmi dans la région de Diffa. Après 12 mois d’exécution en collaboration étroite avec deux ONG nationales partenaires de mise en œuvre (DEMI-E et AFV) et des services techniques déconcentrés, le projet a pu réaliser toutes les activités prévues à des taux oscillant entre 100% et 160%. Les résultats enregistrés peuvent se résumer ainsi qu’il suit : Read More...

Project Link Final Report

Barclays Project Link is an extension of the Banking On Change partnership between Barclays Bank, CARE International and Plan UK (2009 – 2015). During Banking on Change, Barclays Bank Uganda and CARE co-created a savings product, and linked over 1,000 savings groups, and worked with Grameen to co-innovate and pilot 2 digital products for savings groups – the Ledger Link and E- keys. After Banking On Change ended in December 2015, CARE and Barclays continued to work together through Project Link to link 800 more groups to Barclays Uganda and train 800 groups to use E-keys and Ledger Link. [14 pages]

Addressing Root Causes Project in South Sudan

The Addressing Root Causes (ARC) project that started in September 2016, aims at tackling the root causes of armed conflict, instability and irregular migration in South Sudan by increasing community resilience to conflict-related and economically-induced shocks in 19 payams in Jonglei state in the counties of Pibor, Twic East, Duk and Bor. The project has distinguished three outcomes areas: Economic Resilience, Peaceful Conflict Resolution and Social Cohesion which are expected to be mutually reinforcing and when all are combined and stregthened together, the beneficial effects will contribute to more resilience and a culture of peace.
This mid-term review was conducted to assess the progress of project implementation since September 2016, and document best practices and lessons learned to inform key stakeholders on future activity design, programming, and implementation. Primary data was collected using household survey, key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions with the targeted communities. Combined with the FGD, a Social Norm Analysis Plot (SNAP) framework was applied as it was considered best suited to measure changes in social (gender) norms.
Key findings from review indicate access to loans and training of VSLA groups is empowering women and youth in the targeted communities to engage in IGAs and micro-enterprises, thereby broadening their livelihood and resilience options and creating market linkages with traders across different ethnic communities. Further, more women and youth reported being confident to participate in economic opportunities and possess relevant tools and skills; and the role of women and youth is being appreciated in contributing to meeting household needs, thereby reflecting the conflict and gender transformation in the targeted communities. It should however be noted that more VSLAs have been formed and are engaged in IGAs and micro-enterprises in Duk and Twic East compared to Bor and Pibor.
Also, peace committees are appreciated and recognized by the targeted communities for facilitating and using peaceful mechanisms to mitigate and resolve intra and – inter community conflict and reconcile past grievances. Most project beneficiaries also reported increased collaboration with each other, and feel have more positive relationships and trust within and beyond their community. Read More...

Better Environment for Education Project Endline

Throughout the past two decades, Rwanda has made significant efforts to improve the coverage of education to ensure that all Rwandans have access to quality education through the completion of secondary school. Despite policies to increase access to basic education and increase enrolment rates, dropout remains a key issue, especially in secondary school where female students tend to have lower completion rates than male students.
To promote better educational, social, and economic outcomes for students, CARE Rwanda established the Better Environment for Education (BEE) Project. Operating in the Western Province of Rwanda, the BEE Project provided holistic support--including academic resources, financial literacy training, and sexual and reproductive health education, and leadership training--to students to address obstacles to secondary education. As the BEE project neared its conclusion in 2019, CARE Rwanda commissioned this endline evaluation to assess trends and changes over time in students’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the intervention’s aims. Read More...

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